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Difference Between Cube and Cuboid

While reading this article you may grasp the concept of cube and cuboid. Here we also discussed topics like this cube shape and so on.

Different two-dimensional and three-dimensional figures, such as the square, rectangle, circle, cube, cuboid, sphere, and others, have been studied in Geometry. At first glance, the cube and the cuboid appear to be the same form, however several of their characteristics distinguish them. So, let’s look at what a cube and a cuboid are, as well as their various features, and see what the differences are.

What Exactly Is a Cube?

A cube is a three-dimensional figure made up of identical square-shaped faces. At 900, all of a cube’s angles meet. A cube contains six equal faces, all of which are square in shape. It contains 12 identical edges and 8 vertices. The cube shown below is made up of three dimensions: length, width, and height, with l = b = h. The cube’s edges are represented by its length, width, and height. A vertex is formed when the three edges meet at a location.

Cube Characteristics

  • All of the faces of a cube are square.
  • Every face and edge is the same.
  • The cube’s angles are at right angles.
  • Each face interacts with the four adjacent faces.
  • The three faces and three edges meet at each of the vertices.
  • The edges on the opposite sides are parallel and equal.

What Exactly is a Cuboid?

A three-dimensional figure with rectangular faces is known as a cuboid. A cuboid is a figure with a box shape. There are 12 edges and 8 vertices in a cuboid. The cuboid’s faces and edges are not equal. The cuboid’s opposite faces, on the other hand, are equal. The cuboid is seen in the diagram below. lbh, where l is the length, b is the width, and h is the height The cuboid’s bottom face can be any face, while the cuboid’s lateral faces are the remaining four neighbouring faces.

Cuboid Characteristics

  • Six rectangular faces make to a cuboid.
  • The cuboid’s opposite faces are equal.
  • A cuboid’s opposite edges are equal.
  • A cuboid’s vertex is the intersection of three faces.
  • The cuboid’s angles are at right angles.

Defference Between Cube and Cuboid



  • A six-squared shape is a cube.

  • A cube is a three-dimensional square.

  • It’s a square in three dimensions.
  • The faces of cuboids are rectangular.

  • Cuboids are rectangular 3-D shapes.

  • Cuboids are three-dimensional rectangular shapes.

Cube and Cuboid Have Certain Similarities 

The first thing that a cube and a cuboid have in common is that they both have six faces. The second thing that a cube and a cuboid have in common is that they both have twelve edges. Another thing they have in common is that they both have eight vertices.


Different two-dimensional and three-dimensional figures, such as the square, rectangle, circle, cube, cuboid, sphere, and others, have been studied in Geometry. At first glance, the cube and the cuboid appear to be the same form, however several of their characteristics distinguish them.


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