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Details about Pattern Series and Sequences

This article provides detailed information and a guide to solving a pattern series and sequences Here, we will see the various tricks and tips utilized to solve these problems.

Numbers play an essential role in mathematics. It entails the investigation of a variety of diverse patterns. Patterns can take on a variety of forms, including numerical patterns, visual patterns, logical patterns, word patterns, and so on and so forth. In mathematics, finding patterns in the numbers is fairly prevalent. Students that spend a lot of time studying mathematics are likely quite familiar with these. In particular, number patterns can be seen all over the place in mathematics. Predictions can be made from any number pattern. In this article, we will explain what a pattern is, as well as the various sorts of patterns, such as arithmetic patterns and geometric patterns, as well as many examples of patterns that have been solved.

Patterns in Maths

A pattern is defined as a recurring arrangement of mathematical elements such as numbers, forms, colours, and so on. Any conceivable kind of happening or thing can be connected to the Pattern. If the group of numbers may be related to one another by the application of a particular rule, then the rule or approach in question is known as a pattern. Patterns can also be referred to as sequences in some contexts. There is either a finite or an infinite amount of patterns.

For instance, in the sequence 2,4,6,8, each number increases by sequence 2 as the process continues. Therefore, the final number will be eight plus two, which is ten.

The following are some examples of numerical patterns:

Even numbers pattern -: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 1, 14, 16, 18, …

Odd numbers pattern -: 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, …

The sequence of numbers found in the Fibonacci sequence is as follows: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, and so on.

Number Patterns

Patterns, sometimes known as number patterns, are simply lists of numbers that are arranged in a particular sequence. Number patterns can be broken down into several categories, including algebraic or arithmetic patterns, geometric patterns, Fibonacci patterns, and so on. Now, let’s take a look at the three distinct patterns that have been displayed here.

Pattern Based on Arithmetic

There is a close relationship between the arithmetic pattern and the algebraic pattern. An arithmetic pattern is a type of repeating pattern in which the sequences are determined by the addition or subtraction of the terms. In order to determine the mathematical pattern, we can utilize addition or subtraction, provided that at least two of the terms in the series are known.

Use the numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 as an example. The next step is to identify the phrase that is missing from the sequence.

In this situation, we are able to find out the missing terms in the patterns by using the addition method.

The rule that is employed in the pattern is “Add 2 to the previous term in order to get the following word.”

Take the second word in the illustration that was given earlier (4). If we take the second term (4) and add two to it, we will get the third term 6.

In a similar manner, we are able to locate the unidentified phrases in the sequence.

The preceding term is 10, hence the first omitted term is 10. Therefore, 10 plus 2 equals 12

The number 14 represents the term that came before this one. So, 14+2 = 16

As a result, the full arithmetic pattern consists of the numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16.

Pattern Made of Geometry

The series of integers that are derived from the multiplication and division operations is what is meant when we refer to the geometric pattern. In the same way as the arithmetic pattern, if we are given two or more integers in the sequence, we can easily find the unknown components in the pattern by applying the operations of multiplication and division.

Take for instance the numbers 8, 16, 32, __, 128, and .

Because each phrase in the series can be created by multiplying 2 with the term that came before it, we may classify this as a geometric pattern.

For instance, the number 32 is the third term in the sequence, and it is obtained by multiplying 2 by the preceding term 16, which is 16.

In a similar manner, we are able to discover the missing terms in the geometric pattern.

The number 32 comes after the first phrase that’s missing. When 32 is multiplied by 2, the result is 64.

The number 128 represents the word that came before this one. When 128 is multiplied by 2, we get 256.

As a result, the total number of elements in the geometric pattern is 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, and 256.

Fibonacci Pattern

Starting with the numbers 0 and 1, a sequence of numbers known as the Fibonacci Pattern can be described as the sequence of numbers in which each term in the sequence is created by adding the two terms preceding it. The pattern of Fibonacci can be represented by the numbers 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13,… and so on.


The third term is equal to the first term plus the second term, which equals one.

The fourth term is equal to the second term plus the third term, which adds up to two.

The fifth term is equal to the third term plus the fourth term, which is equivalent to 1+2=3, and so on.

Mathematical Guidelines for Repeating Structures

In order to create a pattern, we need to be familiar with some of the rules. It is necessary for us to have an understanding of the nature of the sequence as well as the distinction between the two terms that follow one another before we can learn the rule for any pattern.

Consider the pattern 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, and? when looking for the missing term. It is evident from this pattern that every number is the square of the number that corresponds to its place. The missing term occurs at the value of n equal to 6. Therefore, if the piece that’s missing is xn, then xn is equal to n2 In this case, n equals 6, thus xn equals (6)2 to get 36.

The difference rule states that there are occasions when it is simple to determine the distinction between two consecutive terms. For example, consider 1, 5, 9, 13,……. In this kind of pattern, the first thing that we need to do is locate the distinction between two different sequence pairs. After that, locate the components of the pattern that are still missing. The difference between the terms is 4, which means that if we add 4 and 1, we get 5, if we add 4 and 5, we get 9, and so on. This is because the difference between the terms is the difference between the terms.

Different Kinds of Patterns

In the field of discrete mathematics, there are three distinct categories of patterns, which are as follows:

  • A pattern is said to be repeating if the pattern’s underlying rule continues to be applied over and over again. This kind of pattern is known as a repeating pattern.
  • When the numbers appear in an ascending format, the pattern is referred to as one that grows if it exhibits this characteristic. Growing Example 34, 40, 46, 52, …..
  • The shirking pattern displays the numbers in a descending order each time it is repeated. Example: 42, 40, 38, 36 …..


Mathematics is the study of numbers and the many ways in which they are listed. Number patterns, image patterns, logic patterns, word patterns, and so on are all examples of patterns in mathematics. The number pattern is the most widely employed since children are familiar with even numbers, odd numbers, skip counting, and other concepts that make it easier to understand these patterns.A set of integers arranged in a sequence so that they are related to each other in a specified rule is referred to as a pattern in mathematics. These rules specify how to compute and solve issues. In a sequence of 3,6,9,12,_, for example, each number increases by three. The last number will be 12 + 3 = 15 according to the pattern.


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