Deductive Reasoning Test

In this article we are going to learn about Logically Sound Deductive Reasoning Examples, Logically Unsound Deductive Reasoning Examples, Generalized Inductive Reasoning Example, Sound argument, unsound argument, inductive reasoning and many other things.

Deductive reasoning, often known as top-down reasoning, starts with a few broad concepts that are then applied to a specific scenario to arrive at a conclusion. Deductive reasoning can also be thought of as starting with a theory, moving on to a hypothesis, then an observation, and lastly arriving at a conclusion/confirmation. Syllogism is the most fundamental kind of logical reasoning. A syllogism is a type of logical reasoning in which two premises support a conclusion by sharing an idea. This framework may be useful for applying deductive reasoning to syllogisms : When A = B and C = A, B = C.

What is a Sound Argument ?

In order to be called sound, an argument must meet two criteria. A valid argument is one of the requirements. When the conclusion of an argument follows logically from the premises, it is said to be valid. To put it another way, an argument’s premises cannot be true while the conclusion is wrong. The second criterion is that all of its premises must be correct. As a result, a sound argument is one that is legitimate and has true premises .

Logically Sound Deductive Reasoning Examples

Example 1

When there are severe weather conditions, flights are cancelled.

There are extreme weather conditions right now.

Therefore, flights are cancelled.

Example 2

All fruits include seeds and are developed from blossoms.

Tomatoes are seeds that are developed from blooms.

Therefore, tomatoes are fruits.

What is an Unsound Argument ?

The polar opposite of a sound argument is an unsound argument. As a result, a flawed argument might be both valid and invalid. If the argument is correct, it must contain at least one faulty premise in order to be considered unsound .

Logically unsound Deductive reasoning Examples

Example 1:

All cats are pink .

Toffee is a cat .

Therefore, Toffee is pink .

The preceding is also a valid argument because the conclusion follows logically from the premises. However, the first premise is not true. Therefore, this is an unsound argument.

Example 2:

All cows are mammals .

All dogs are mammals .

Therefore, dogs are cows .

Although the premises in the preceding argument are correct, the conclusion does not flow logically from the premises. As a result, it’s a flawed argument.

What is the main distinction between Sound and Unsound Argument?

An argument that is valid and has true premises is called a sound argument, whereas an argument that is invalid or has at least one false premises is called an unsound argument. As a result, the main distinction between sound and unsound argument is this. As a result, although a sound argument always contains true premises and conclusions, an unsound argument can have both false and true premises and conclusions. As a result, another distinction between sound and unsound arguments emerges .

Inductive reasoning

Inductive reasoning is a method of reaching conclusions by proceeding from the particular to the universal. On the other hand, deductive thinking is when you go from general facts to specific conclusions. Bottom-up reasoning or inductive logic are other terms for inductive reasoning.

Generalised Inductive Reasoning Example

View a few examples of inductive logic to gain a better understanding . Try to figure out what kind of inductive reasoning is at work.

  • Jennifer always gets up at 7:00 a.m. to go to school. Jennifer is never late. Jennifer assumes that if she leaves for school at 7:00 a.m. today, she will be on time.
  • The products were $1.00 each. The labour cost to produce the item was $0.50. The item’s retail price was $5.00. As a result, the item is always profitable for the stores who offer it.
  • In this area, every windstorm comes from the north. In the distance , I can see a large cloud of dust. From the north , a new windstorm is approaching.
  • Bob is showing his pal Larry a large diamond ring. Larry has learned that Bob intends to marry Joan. Bob is probably going to surprise Joan with the diamond ring tonight.
  • In the living area, there is a red chair. In the dining area, there is a red chair. In the bedroom, there is a red chair. The house’s chairs are all red.


It is vital to understand and practice deductive and inductive reasoning because it develops your critical thinking skills, which allow you to improve your problem-solving abilities, increase interpersonal and leadership skills, and help you to empathise with others.


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What exactly is inductive reasoning?

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What are some inductive and deductive reasoning examples?

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What is an example of an unsound argument?

Answer: A deductive argument having at least one erroneous premise that leads to a wrong conclusion is called an uns...Read full

How do you know if an argument is unsound?

Answer: A sound argument is legitimate and has true premises , whereas an unsound argument is invalid and/or contain...Read full

What constitutes a sound argument?

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