Data Structures

A Data Structure is a method that is utilised in programming that may effectively store and organise data when it is essential to do so. Processing that is efficient can be done in either time or space, or both. It is possible for it to be determined by other criteria like a priority required for a particular issue.

A data structure is a specific method of organising data in a specialised format on a computer. This is done so that the information can be efficiently structured, processed, stored, and retrieved. They are a method for processing information, and transforming data so that it may be used more easily.

The foundation of any programme, whether it be an application, piece of software, or programme itself, consists of two components: algorithms and data. Information is referred to as data, and algorithms are a set of rules and instructions that transform the data into something that can be used in programming.

The Different Types of Data and How They Relate to the Different Data Structures

In order to provide an answer to the question, “What is data structure?,” it is necessary to have an understanding of the three primary forms of data.


Abstract data is characterised by the behaviours it exhibits. This type contains graphs, queues, stacks, and sets.

Composite (or Compound)

Arrays, classes, records, strings, and structs are all examples of composite data types. Composite data also contains merged primitive data types. Additionally, they could be composed of different forms of composites.


Primitive data are also known as basic data, and they include Boolean values, character values, integer values, pointer values, and both fixed-point and floating-point number values.

These data types are the fundamental elements that go into making up data structures. The interpreter or the computer is informed by the data type about the manner in which the programmer intends to use the data. In addition, data analysts have a variety of options available to them for the classification of data structures. The difficult part is determining which structure will serve your requirements and circumstances the very best.

Types of Data Structure

The Linear and the Nonlinear

Data in linear structures are organised in a linear sequence, as is the case with an array, a list, or a queue, for example. In nonlinear structures, the data do not form a sequence but rather connect to two or more information items, similar to how a tree or graph displays its information.

Both statically and dynamically.

Static structures, as their name suggests, are made up of structures and sizes that are unchanging and unmovable when the code is compiled. A certain amount of memory is held in reserve by the array. This amount is determined by the programmer before the array is used. The memory capacities of dynamic structures are not fixed; rather, they can contract or increase depending on the needs of the programme and the requirements for its execution. In addition to this, the location of the memory that is connected with it can shift.

Homogenous and non-homogeneous conditions both exist

Homogenous data structures are those that are made up of data elements that are all of the same kind, such as the element collections that are found in an array. There is no requirement that all of the data in a non-homogenous structure be of the same kind. For example, structures.

The Different Data Structure Types


Arrays are groups of data objects that are all of the same types and are stored together in memory regions that are next to one another. The term “element” refers to each individual data piece. The most elementary and fundamental type of data structure is an array. The building of arrays is an essential skill for aspiring data scientists to acquire before going on to other data structures such as queues and stacks.


A nonlinear graphical depiction of element sets can be found in the form of a graph. Graphs are made up of finite node sets, which are often referred to as vertices, and linkages, which are also sometimes referred to as edges. The variation of the graph known as trees, which is discussed further below, differs from the graph in that there are no rules that regulate how the nodes connect to one another.

Tables for Hashing

Hash tables, which are also known as hash maps, have the ability to function as either a linear or nonlinear data structure; nevertheless, the linear implementation is the more common usage for them. Arrays are the typical construction method for this type. Hash tables are used to map key names to value names. For instance, each and every book that is housed in a library is given a special number that makes it easy to seek up information regarding the book, such as who has borrowed it in the past, how many copies are now available, and so on. A one-of-a-kind number is generated using a hash of each book in the library.

Linked List

Linked lists organise the items in their respective collections in a sequential fashion. A data item and a link, also known as a reference, to the subsequent item on the same list are both contained within each member of a linked list.


Stacks are containers that arrange groups of objects in a linear fashion and are utilised for performing actions on the data. For instance, the order could be “first-in, first-out” (FIFO), which stands for “first in, first out,” or it could be “last-in, first-out” (LIFO).


An item collection can be stored in a tree in the form of an abstract hierarchy. They are hierarchical data structures that are organised using nodes. The nodes that are at the very bottom of the tree are referred to as “leaf nodes,” while the node that is at the very top is termed the “root node.” Every node has pointers that direct you to the nodes that are adjacent to it.


Tries are a type of data structure that should not be mistaken with trees; instead, they are put in a visual graph and store strings like other data items. There are a few names for tries, including keyword trees and prefix trees. When you use a search engine and are presented with autosuggestions, you are experiencing the operation of the trie data structure.


Data architectures benefit IT processes as applications get more complex and existing data grows. 

  • They accelerate processing. Data structures help arrange large volumes of data into easier-to-use formats.

  • They help find data. Data structures organise information into searchable ways.

  • Reusable. A data structure can be utilised anywhere once implemented. No need to rebuild. This function saves resources.

  • They make multi-requests easy. Single users rarely access databases. Instead, hundreds or thousands of people often interact with a database. Data structures organise information so users may quickly find what they need.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the CAT Examination Preparation.

The tango tree is an example of the following: a. Tree of Searches in Binary b. The Kary Tree () c. The Ternary Tree d. AVL Tree

Ans. (a) A binary search tree is a correct answer.

To get rid of a left horizontal connection in an AA-tree, we can do the following: a. introducing a brand new component b. getting rid of both of the components c. carrying out a rotation to the left d. carrying out the correct rotation

Ans. (d) by carrying out the correct rotation

In order to achieve the following, we can make use of a self–balancing binary search tree: a. A table for hashing b. Priority queue c. Sorting on the heap and the priority queue d. Heap sort

Ans. (b) Priority Queue is the correct answer.

What is meant by the term "splay operation"? a. the elimination of the leaf nodes b. the transition from the root to the leaf c. the process whereby a node becomes a root d. the migration of a parent node to the down position of a child node

Ans. (c) the process of a node moving closer to the root

Which one of these statements regarding a 2-3 tree is NOT accurate? a. It has a Totally Ideal Weight Distribution b. the height of the leaves is consistent across the tree c. it is a B-tree of the order 3, which it relates to d. postorder traversal would result in the elements being returned in the correct order.

Ans. The elements would be returned in a sorted manner if the traversal method was (d), which is po...Read full

6. What exactly is meant by the term "Ackermann's function"? a. for i=j, A(i,j) = i+j d. for i>=1, A(1,i) = i+1

Ans. (d) for i>=1, A(1,i) = i+1

It is likely that a recursive implementation would be unsuccessful in skew heaps due to the following reasons: a. a shortage of available stack space b. the amount of time involved c. These piles are capable of self-adjustment d. the efficiency suffers a decrease

Ans. (a) insufficient space for stacks

Which of the following operations is NOT permitted to be carried out immediately in a heap? a. Create b. find c. delete d. insert

Ans. (b) find