Coding and Decoding

Coding is a method that enables a sender and a receiver to communicate with one another while preventing a third party from understanding what is being said. The data is encoded before it is transmitted, and then it must be decoded at the receiving end in order to recover the original data. This is accomplished by locating common keys within the encoded data.

To start off your preparations for the competitive examinations, coding and decoding is a fascinating topic to study. It is possible to understand it as a group of questions that are based on specific concealed rules, discovering which pupils have to decode the message and provide the correct answer. This may be comprehended in a simple way. Questions involving coding and decoding are typically found in the logical reasoning part of tests.

What exactly are Coding and Decoding?

In its most basic form, coding can be described as the process of encrypting a word or a string of numbers using a certain code or pattern that is based on a predetermined set of guidelines. On the other hand, decoding is the opposite of encoding in that it seeks to decrypt a specific code by locating a common pattern or structure.

Different Methods of Coding and Decoding

You should be prepared to answer questions requiring both coding and decoding in the numerous competitive examinations that you take. The following are examples of some of the most common types:

Letter to Letter Coding

In this method of coding and decoding, the alphabetic components of a word are encoded by employing a variety of mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, interchanging, and so on. Candidates need to apply the same approaches in order to decode the code for another word.

Coding based on letters and numbers

In this manner of coding and decoding, numerical code values are assigned to words, and alphabetical code letters are assigned to numbers.

Coding Through Substitution

In this method of coding and decoding, words are first encrypted, and then coded, using the relevant keyword.

The Chinese Coding System

Using this method of encoding and decoding, a few assertions that include the same words but are arranged in a different order will be coded as various words, symbols, or characters. Candidates are required to locate the codes of words by searching for keywords that are shared throughout several sentences. This is because the code of a word will remain consistent no matter where it appears.

LSN Coding

In this method of coding and decoding, words from a variety of statements are encoded with letters, symbols, and numbers using a variety of different processes. The words are then decoded. Candidates are expected to make inferences about the meanings of the numbers, letters, and symbols they are given.

Coding based on conditions

In this kind of coding and decoding, a few methods will be taught, and applicants will be expected to apply all of the requirements that have been provided in order to obtain the code for a specific word.

Coding of the Clock

In this kind of coding and decoding, the numbers from 1 to 12 are encoded, and the answers to the questions are based on the clock time.

Binary Coding

In this form of coding-decoding, decimal numbers are encoded using binary values such as 0 and 1, among other possible combinations.


During the time that you spend preparing for the subject of coding and decoding, it is essential to become familiar with specific guidelines that will assist you in salting questions in a timely manner. For further information on this topic, see the strategies listed below:

To get started, give the question a thorough reading and make a note of all the key terms, along with the corresponding codes for each one.

Make an effort to decipher the pattern of the code that has been provided to you. You may use the hit and trial strategy to investigate a number of different rules.

It is also possible to utilise the elimination approach in order to simplify the quote and delete any values that are not necessary.

It is essential to keep in mind that the coding and decoding problems can be answered using a variety of different strategies.

Getting through a large number of questions will be beneficial for you as you prepare for the exam.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the CAT Examination Preparation.

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