Categories of Visual Reasoning

In this article, we are going to learn about types of visual reasoning , image & figure counting , what do you mean by visual reasoning and many other things.

As the name implies, visual reasoning is concerned with logical reasoning topics including the graphical representation of a problem and its solution based on the representation. Visual representations assess a candidate’s ability to conceive creatively, visualise things, recognise objects and images, and so on. Image and figure counting, cube and dice, venn diagram, seating arrangement, direction and distance, and so on are all significant issues in visual reasoning. 

What do you Mean by Visual Reasoning?

As previously said, Visual Reasoning is answering logical reasoning questions via graphical representation of the question in order to understand and obtain the correct response. Image and figure counting, cube and dice, Venn diagram, seating arrangement, direction and distance, and so on are all significant chapters in visual reasoning. 

Types of Visual Reasoning 

  1. Image & Figure Counting

Figure counting refers to the act of forming a defined geometrical figure using components of various designs in this style of visual reasoning. Images, on the other hand, come in a variety of shapes and sizes, including Mirror Images, Water Images, and so on. When an object is placed near a mirror, the image or reflection of that thing appears in the mirror. The reflection of an object in water is known as a water image. It’s the vertically inverted image of an object created by turning it upside down.

  1. Cube & Dice

Cube is a three-dimensional figure that can only be created out of square in this style of visual reasoning. When a square has a height equal to one of its sides, it becomes a cube. Die/Dice is a three-dimensional figure featuring various numbers, letters, colours, and other symbols on each of its six sides/faces. It has 12 edges and 8 corners. The length, breadth, and height of a dice are all the same .

  1. Venn Diagram

Venn Diagram The process of depicting things/objects/people/departments/organisations/events, and so on, using diagrammatic media and figures such as square, circle, rectangle, parallelogram, trapezium, triangle, and so on, is depicted in a diagram. 

  1. Seating Arrangement

Seating Arrangement is the practice of arranging a group of individuals to sit in a specific way. These inquiries are based on a collection of facts as well as a set of conditions. Candidates will be provided information about how to organise people in a row or around a circle, and they must arrange people in a row, circle, or square according to the given requirement. 

  1. Direction & Distance 

Questions on direction and distance are based on a distance and/or direction puzzle. Candidates must determine the final direction from the starting point and/or the distance travelled between the starting point and the final or end location based on the given distance and direction. 

Using Tips for Visual Reasoning to Answer Questions 

Tip # 1: To solve visual reasoning challenges, master the art of graphical representation of the provided question or statement/s.

Tip # 2:The visual reasoning component assesses the candidate’s ability to think creatively and visualise, as well as recognise objects and images. As a result, candidates should be well informed about these issues. 

Tip # 3: As much as possible, practise mock tests and quizzes to become familiar with all of the themes and question patterns in the visual reasoning part. 

Visual Reasoning Sample Questions

Question 1

Directions: Carefully read the following information before answering the questions.

Eight friends, Divya, Dev, Piyush, Shiv, Nisha, Geeta, Bhavna, and Govinda, are seated around the circular table, not necessarily in the same order, and facing the middle of the table.

Nisha is the third person to Bhavna’s left. Piyush and Dev are neighbours. Divya is seated across from Geeta. Bhavna’s immediate neighbour is Shiv. Between Nisha and Geeta, there are two people. Dev and Govinda are seated across from one another.

Who is sitting directly to Nisha’s right?


Total persons: Divya, Dev, Piyush, Shiv, Nisha, Geeta, Bhavna, Govinda

Shiv is an immediate neighbour of Bhavna.

Nisha is third to the left of Bhavna.

Between Nisha and Geeta, there are two people.

Divya is sitting opposite Geeta.

Dev and Piyush are neighbours.

Dev and Govinda are seated across from one another.

Case 1 cannot satisfy the above conditions. Hence, Case 1 gets eliminated. Hence, Piyush is the correct answer.

Question 2

The circle symbolises the bed sheet, the triangle represents the pillow, and the square represents the blanket in the diagram below. Which letter combination symbolises all three elements?


Here, D represents all three elements.


Logic thinking, in addition to other cognitive abilities, is a vital skill that you use in a variety of situations. It assists you in making key decisions, discerning the truth, solving difficulties, generating new ideas, and setting realistic goals. Students use visual reasoning to solve problems by assessing, processing, and manipulating visual data. Students can solve difficulties by mentally recalling the relative location of objects and patterns..


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To find the pattern, carefully examine the series of symbols. Choose the appropriate pattern.

To find the pattern, carefully examine the series of symbols. Choose the appropriate pattern.

To find the pattern, carefully examine the series of symbols. Choose the appropriate pattern.

To find the pattern, carefully examine the series of symbols. Choose the appropriate pattern.

To find the pattern, carefully examine the series of symbols. Choose the appropriate pattern.