CA Foundation Exam June 2023 » CA Foundation Study Material » Statistics » Statistical Representation of Data

Statistical Representation of Data

Statistical Representation of Data, graphical representation of data in statistics, representation of data in statistics, diagrammatic representation of statistical data.

A statistical representation of data is a graphical way of representing data in statistics. It helps to understand the distribution of data and to identify any patterns. There are different types of graphs that can be used, depending on the type of data being represented. In this blog post, we will discuss the different types of graphs and how to use them effectively!

What Is Representation Of Data In Statistics?

Representation of data in statistics is the process of organizing information about a group or sample. This helps researchers better understand their data and find patterns within it that would not be apparent without visualizing them firsthand! The most common types are line graphs, bar charts, pie charts, histograms, and scatter plots. These will all show different aspects of your data in different ways, so it’s important to choose wisely!

What Is Graphical Representation Of Data In Statistics?

Graphical representation of data in statistics is a way to communicate information visually. Graphs are used to show relationships between two or more variables, which can then be analyzed, and conclusions are drawn. Graphical representations of data are often used in newspapers and research papers to present large amounts of complex data quickly and clearly.

What Is Statistical Representation of Data?

A statistical representation of data is a graphical way of representing data in statistics. It helps to understand the distribution of data and identify any patterns that may exist within the information being represented. There are various types of graphs and charts used for this purpose including line charts, bar charts, pie charts, etc., but all these have their specific applications only. In this blog post, we will discuss the different types of graphs and how to use them effectively!

Types of Graphs in Statistics

There are various types of graphs used for the statistical representation of data. These include line charts, bar charts, pie charts, etc., but all these have their specific applications only. In this blog post, we will discuss the different types of graphs and how to use them effectively!

Line Charts

A line graph is a graphical representation of data, where the points on the Cartesian plane are connected by lines. The value of each coordinate point determines its position along an axis or scale, while it can be plotted as either linear (straight) or curved segments. A new plot must be added to the existing graph in order to plot a new line on it.

Bar Graphs

A bar graph is used for categorical data and shows comparisons among categories or variables. A bar chart can have vertical bars, horizontal bars, and stacked bars which are used either horizontally or vertically. The length of the bar represents its size.

Pie Charts

A pie chart is used for categorical data and shows the proportions of a whole divided into segments. The arc length of each sector (slice) is proportional to the size of its representing value.

XY Graphs

An XY graph is used for numerical data and plots points in two dimensions. It uses an x-axis and y-axis to measure values. The x-axis and y-axis intersect at zero.


A histogram is used for numerical data and shows the distribution of a dataset by grouping it into bins across the range of values. A bar graph is used to show comparisons between different categories or groups, but it does not represent changes over time.

Why Is It Important To Use Graphical Representation Of Data In Statistics?

Graphs are easier to interpret than tables. The human brain can easily identify patterns and trends in a graphical representation of data, whereas it may not be able to see these relationships from a table or list of numbers alone. Also, if there are many categories being presented in the chart (such as in a bar graph), the viewer can see relationships between different groups of data. For example, you might be able to see quickly that men have higher salaries than women in your company.

What Is Diagrammatical Representation Of Data In Statistics?

A diagram is a graphical representation of data that uses symbols to represent different values. A diagram can be used to show how data is related, or it can show the distribution of data. There are many different types of diagrams, but some of the most common are:
  • Bar graphs
  • Line graphs
  • Pie charts
  • Scatter plots
  • Histograms

What Is Tabular Representation Of Data In Statistics?

In statistics, the word “tabulation” is used to describe the process of collecting and organizing data. A tabulation may be a table or chart that shows how many items there are in each category or group. Example: If you want to know how many people are in each age category, then a table showing the number of people by age would be useful. In statistics, it is called a frequency distribution table (or just frequency). A histogram that shows how many students attend school by grade level could also help answer questions about student demographics. Tabular representation of data is a way to organize and display numerical data in a table. Tables are useful for organizing and displaying data, but they can be difficult to read if the table is too large or contains too many columns.


A statistical representation of data is a way to display numerical data in a graph. Graphs are useful for displaying data, but they can be difficult to read if the graph is too large or contains too many points. In statistics, it is important to use both tables and graphs to help analyze data. Tables are useful for organizing data, while graphs are useful for displaying data. By using both tables and graphs, you can get a better understanding of the data that you are working with.