Coefficient of Variation

In this article the statistical concept of coefficient of variation will be studied. Under this main concept variation, principles of inheritance and variation, and somaclonal variation will also be studied.

The coefficient of variation can be defined as a statistical measure that helps in measuring the data point dispersion around the value of the mean. Commonly the measure is used for comparing dispersion of data between separate data series. Contrary to a standard deviation that is always considered in regards to the data, the coefficient of variation rather provides a comparatively quick and simple tool for comparing different series of data. 

The formula for the coefficient of variation is 

Coefficient of variation = σ / µ * 100%

Where µ refers to mean and σ refers to standard deviation. 

Body Variation

However, in a statistical context variation or variation or variance is defined as a metric for variability. It is particularly computed by taking the mean of squared deviation from the mean. 

The importance of variance is that it tells an individual level of variation within the dataset. The higher the variation within the data, the higher will be the variance in consideration of the mean. Variance is normally of two types namely sample variance and population variation. The formula for population variance is 

   σ2 = Σ (X –  µ)2/N whereas the formula for sample variance is s2 = Σ(X- x̄)2/ n-1, where σ2 is population variance Σ is the sum of.., X is each value, µ is the population mean, x̄ is the sample mean and N and n are number of values in population and sample respectively.

Principles of Inheritance and Variation

Inheritance and variation are some vital concepts about genetics and heredity. There are many reasons due to which variation can occur within the parent and the progeny. These involve crossing over, mutation, recombination as well as other environmental effects on the gene expression on the present over the chromosomes. 

The law of inheritance is a famous law that was proposed by Gregor Mendel, a pioneer in hereditary research. The main concept of this law is that characteristics and traits are passed down over generations. The first law of Mendel accurately predicts how traits pass over generations. Mendel experimented with pea plants for nearly seven years and was then able to propose the law of inheritance. Mendel carried out the monohybrid cross and was able to propose 2 principles of inheritance.

Firstly there is the law of dominance which states that one allele within the heterozygote is dominant manifesting itself within the provided phenotype. 

Secondly, there is the segregation law which states that Alleles never mix within generation F2, and each character is recovered during the formation of gamete. During the formation of gametes, traits generally separate from each other thereby to several gametes. Homozygous individuals tend to develop identical gametes whereas heterozygous individuals produce gametes with variable characteristics. In addition, there is another law called the independent assortment law which states that segregation within a characteristic pair is independent of how other characteristic pairs will get segregated during combining traits in the form of a hybrid

Somaclonal variation

The rearrangement within chromosomes is a vital source for this variation. Somaclonal variability generally arises due to the factors of epigenetics due to exposure towards PGR or plant growth regulators as well as prolonged culture time. Somaclonal variation is generally of two types. Firstly Non – heritable or epigenetic variability is caused due to temporary phenotypic changes. The second type is heritable or genetic variability caused due by mutation or some other variation in DNA. 

Somaclonal variation has high importance. Somaclonal variation is a common source of genetic variation. Successfully utilizing somaclonal variation mainly depends on judicious utilization and systematic evaluation of breeding programs. Secondly, it is of high importance in regards to the fundamental genetic process as it contradicts the clonal uniformity complex. Secondly, somaclonal variation is unwanted when the core objective is micropropagation of genetic transformation of elite genotypes that partly involves tissue culture. Under these situations, minimization or prevention of variation is of high importance. For achieving this magnitude, nature, and frequency of somaclonal variation in regards to manipulating media components, culture conditions, explants sources, etc. These need to be properly understood.


The whole article has been written in relation to one of the core topics of statistics that is coefficient of variation. Some other concepts that are vital for understanding this statistical measurement have been highlighted throughout the article. The main points that have been studied include variation, principles of inheritance and variation and somaclonal variation will also be studied.