Introduction to Business Economics

The following article looks at business economics and will explore business economic meaning, statistics for business, and economics while also discussing types of business economics.

Business economics is a unique branch of applied economics and it is used mainly in the fields of quantitative methods as well as economic theory. Business economics also has a diverse range of sub-topics in economic theory and business management. It looks at different kinds of business enterprises, analyses the various contributing factors that make up the organisational structure of businesses and their relationship with labour, products, market, and capital. This information is required so that learners of this subject or enterprising students can understand and strategize as to how these theories ought to be applied in their daily jobs. 

Business Economics

It focuses on management issues, organisational issues, relationships between employer and employees and capital and the government and customers and businesses. It also provides useful tools and concepts. That is why the article has explored the business economics meaning, types of business economics, and various statistics for business and economics in the following sections. 

Meaning of Business Economics

As discussed above, business economics meaning has wide connotations and is used quite frequently to denote a myriad of economic aspects. However, there are some very keen ambiguities with its terminology. 

Business Economics


It is a modern idea that is in development

It is a traditional and ancient concept

It deals with applied economics

It deals with theoretical aspects

Only microeconomics is studied

Both micro and macroeconomics is studied

Table 1 shows the differences between business economics and traditional economics.

Types of Business Economics

Business economics can differ based on various organisational models of businesses. Those business models are:

  • Sole trader- Businesses, in this case, are owned by a singular individual. The individual is also the only one liable for taxes and is responsible for business operations.
  • Partnership- Here, two or more two people are the owners of the business where the profits and responsibilities are distributed. They are known as shareholders as they have a stake in the houses. Owners have responsibilities according to the share they have invested. 
  • Limited Company- Here a group can be the owners, all of whom are stakeholders. They form a separate legal entity and therefore enjoy limited liability. 
  • Public Limited Company- These are corporations who can list shares in the stock market. They have shareholders but are also in the public domain. It is also a legal entity that is separate from the individuals running the business, therefore, has the most limited liability. 

Business economics can be applied according to the specific model of a business organisation so that each advantage and disadvantage of the organisational model can be analysed to provide the best possible solution. 

Statistics for Business and Economics

Statistics for business and economics can be understood through looking at the wide scope of static. These are: it is applied in business, is used in financial statements, is employed in economic planning, it is used in business research, and is used in the management and administration of the business. Many kinds of statistics can be used which include z Score, Normal Distribution, Negative, Full, Confidence level, t Distribution, Normal Curve, Random Right, and Standard Normal. 

There are many divisions of statistics that are useful in the field of business economics which are:

  • Inductive statistics
  • Applied statistics
  • Mathematical statistics
  • Descriptive statistics
  • Inferential Statistics
  • Analytical statistics. 

Uses of Business Economics

Following are certain advantages of studying business economics and how it is important:

  • It helps give a more proper frame to various policies
  • It helps in identifying various issues and challenges relating to organisational and managerial problems and provides accurate solutions
  • It helps in gaining important business foresight
  • Helps study microenvironments and their factors.


Therefore, business economics can be seen as an integral part of becoming well-versed in business and knowing how and when to apply essential economics and business concepts to real-life scenarios. It will help you become better at identifying and analysing situations and improve your rational skills to make business decisions. It also helps in bridging the gap between applied and theoretical business practice. Its scope is wide. It links two disciplines, namely management, and economics.