CA Foundation Exam June 2023 » CA Foundation Study Material » Business Correspondence » The ABCs of Circulars: Everything You Need to Know About Business Correspondence

The ABCs of Circulars: Everything You Need to Know About Business Correspondence


Do you know what Circulars are? If not, don’t worry – you’re not alone! In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know about Circulars: circulars’ meaning, how they work, and why they are so important for businesses. We’ll also take a look at the Circulars economy and how it is changing the way businesses operate. Stay tuned for more information on this essential business tool!

What are circulars?

Circulars are business letters that are sent to a large number of people. It can be used for many purposes, such as sales promotion and announcing events. Since circulars reach many different people, they must clearly state the objectives or main points in the first few sentences so readers know what you want them to do or get out of the circular.

Circulars meaning in simple words

Circulars are a type of business correspondence that helps to facilitate the flow of materials and products in the circular economy. They take many different forms but typically consist of orders, invoices, shipping notices, or receipts.

What is the purpose of circulars? 

The main purpose of circulars is to convey information between businesses. They are used to provide updates, announce events, or invite others to participate in something. By understanding the basics of circulars, businesses can make the most of this type of communication. Circulars also play an important role in the economy, as they provide a flow model for business correspondence. This means that businesses can communicate with each other more effectively and efficiently.

What are the different types of circulars? 

There are three main types of circulars: notification, explanation and invitation. 

  • Notification circulars provide information about a specific event or update.
  • Explanation circulars give reasons for changes or actions. 
  • Invitation circulars offer an opportunity to participate in something.

What is the circular economy?

The circular economy is an economic model that aims to reduce waste and pollution by keeping resources in use for as long as possible. It’s a way of thinking about the economy that’s gaining traction around the world, as businesses and governments look for new ways to cut down on waste and keep products and materials in circulation.

In a circular economy, resources are kept in use for as long as possible, then recovered and recycled. This is done to reduce waste and environmental impact.

Principles of Circulars economy

There are three main principles of the circular economy:

– Design out waste: Products are designed so that materials can be reused or easily recycled.

– Regenerate natural capital: The use of renewable energy and materials, avoiding the depletion of finite resources.

– Circulate products: Products are manufactured to last as long as possible, with waste kept in circulation instead of being disposed of.

What is circular flow?

Circulars are a form of communication that goes from one person or group to another and then returns back again, like a circle. They create an ongoing dialogue between businesses so they can work together more effectively, which saves time and money for everyone involved.

Circular flow model

Here are the basic rules to maintain a good circular flow model:

  • The most important part of a circle is its subject line or title. It should be short and to the point, no more than three or four words long at most. If you are sending a sales promotion circular to your regular customers, for instance, it might have this subject line: “Special Sale This Weekend.”
  • A good circular will have a clear and concise headline or title, which is usually set in larger type than the rest of the text on the page. This should be followed by an informative introduction outlining what you want to say in your circular, as well as any relevant facts or figures that might help convince readers to take actions Only.”
  • Next, you should write a brief introduction or opening paragraph to the circular. This can be anywhere from one sentence to three or four paragraphs long, although it is usually best not to go over two paragraphs long as this will take up too much space and may turn off readers who are expecting something shorter.
  • After that, you can start listing your products or services. Each item should have its own paragraph, and it’s important to be concise as well as informative. You don’t want to overload readers with too much information at once, so try to stick to the most important details.
  • Finally, include a short call-to-action at the end of your circular. This might be something like “Call now for a free quote”

What are the advantages of circulars in the economy?

The main advantage of circulars in the economy is that they provide a flow model for business correspondence. This means that businesses can communicate with each other more effectively and efficiently, which can save time and money. Circulars also have a meaning within the business world, as they are used to convey important information or updates. By understanding the basics of circulars, businesses can make the most of this type of communication.


Students, we hope this blog has helped you better understand what makes good circulars and how to create one. If you find yourself struggling with the process of getting your message across in an effective way or want help developing your business correspondence skills in general, please contact us today! We’re always happy to chat with current and potential clients about their needs and wants for any kind of marketing project they might have. Whether it be advertising copywriting or social media management, our team is ready to provide the expertise that will get your company noticed by its target audience.