Root Words

Finding it difficult to write and speak English? You might find it comforting knowing that learning root words can help you use English. So, let’s go through this handy information to learn all about root words in English.

What is Meant By Root Words?

When it comes to the formation of English words, many words are formed by taking basic words and combining the prefixes and suffixes to the same. The basic words to which both prefixes and suffixes are added are known root words. It can be said that a root word is a complete word that cannot be broken down any further and thus, act as the basis of a new English word.

Traditionally  many of the root words are either derived from Latin or Greek. Root words typically cannot stand alone as a complete English word. But you can find some common root words in English that are capable of standing alone, unlike affixes (prefixes and suffixes). The most commonly used standalone root word examples include act, legal, form, etc. 

How can Root Words be Differentiated From Base Words in English?

Below-mentioned is the difference between root words and base words used in English:


Root Words


Base Words


A root word is either derived from Latin or Greek words and does not include affixes


The base word is the complete word in English created by adding affixes in the root words


Often, Root words cannot stand alone


Base words in English can stand alone


The root words in English might or might not have their own meaning


Base words always have a meaning of their own


Root words are the basic linguistic units and are considered the original form of words


Base words are English words in their simplest form

What is the Procedure of Learning Vocabulary through Root Words?

Here are some steps you can follow to learn vocabulary with the help of root words:

1. Choose and Know the Word

First, you need to select the word that you are going to study. In case you are searching for the root of the chosen word, then you can start by looking for its etymology. 

2. Look For the Origin of a Word 

Now you are required to find the origin of the word you are studying. Always remember that the origin is a whole word rather than a basic root. Before you move further, evaluate how the meaning of the origin of a word you have searched for relates to the English word you are studying. 

3. Find the Root of the Word

When finding the root of the word you are studying, look for its usage to understand the word properly.

4. Find the Words Related to Root 

Now the fun part begins! Once you are successful in finding the root of the word you are currently studying, check all other English words originating from the same root. This way you can learn more new English words with only one root word. 

Mentioning an Example of How Root Words Help in Learning Vocabulary

The following  root word examples will help in understanding better. 

The root mal is derived from the Latin word the meaning of which is bad. Here is the list of the words you can encounter in the English language having root words as mal:

  • malfunction: something functioning badly
  • malevolent: having bad or evil will
  • malnutrition: having bad or lack of proper nutrition
  • malpractice: bad, improper, or illegal professional behavior

Use of Knowing Root Words

  1. In case you study a specific word like malaria, the root mal will trigger your memory whenever you come across the same word. You will think that the meaning of this particular word has something related to the bad. 
  2. In case you come across an unfamiliar word containing the root word- mal, your memory will trigger and make an educated guess that the meaning of such a word is related to badness.
  3. One root word will help you to learn a cluster of words having the same root accelerating your vocabulary.


Root words, being the independent words derived from different languages, are used to form millions of complete words by adding appropriate affixes. These words act as a great way to improve your vocabulary in English in case you are facing difficulty in learning the language. Now that almost all domestic and international companies are demanding employees capable of writing and speaking fluent English, the importance of individuals equipped with enriched vocabulary is increasing. Many education institutions are using root words worksheet to make aware students of new words and thus, improve the usage of English. 


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How do root words in English work?

Ans. For instance, take illegal as the English word. This particular word is formed by adding ‘il’ to the word â...Read full

Is it that simple to use root words?

Ans. Actually, it is not that simple. Many root words are derived from Latin or Greek words. In case you come across words without any affix in d...Read full

Why is it essential to learn root words?

Ans. Root words, specifically derived from other languages, help the people to know about the evolution of the langu...Read full

How can one easily remember root words?

Ans. Here are some tips you can use to remember the root words: ...Read full