
Memos are a type of business communication that is used to convey information and ideas. Learn How to write different types of memos for different purposes.

In the digital age, it’s easy to forget about the importance of good old-fashioned communication. One such method that seems to have been forgotten is the memo. Memos are an essential part of business communication, and yet so many people seem to neglect their use. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the basics of memo writing, and provide some tips on how you can improve your memos and get better results from them.

What Is a Memo?

A memo is a type of business communication that is used to convey information and ideas within an organization. Memos can be formal or informal, depending on the circumstances. They are typically short, concise, and easy to understand.

There are several reasons why memos are a valuable tool for business communication:

  • They are quick to write, easy to read and can be used as a reference when needed
  • Memos allow efficient communication between departments or groups within an organization
  • They provide information about upcoming events or deadlines so that everyone involved has enough time to prepare themselves accordingly

What Are Memos in Business Communication?

You may have heard of memos in the military, but they are also used in business communication. They are short letters or notes sent to a group of people within an organization instead of one person. Their main purpose is to inform and get employees involved in company matters such as new policies, organizational changes and upcoming events. Memos can be formal or informal but they should be concise and to the point.

How To Write A Business Memo?

To write a memo, start with the heading and follow it up with a subject line.

If you are writing an informal memo, then include your name at the top of the page.

Then write down all relevant details about what will happen when including who should be involved in making decisions about this issue and how they can contact you if necessary. Address the memo to the person or group it is meant for.

End with a formal closing such as 


Your Name.

If you are sending an electronic copy of the memo, make sure to include your contact information in case they need to reach out to you.

What Are The Different Types Of Memos?

Informal memos are sent out within an organization to inform about a change in policy or some other issue that needs immediate attention.

These can also be used as reminders for upcoming events such as meetings, deadlines and so on. A formal memo is used when communicating with someone outside of the company like clients, vendors etcetera.

It is also used for official announcements, policy changes or when taking disciplinary action.

The main types of memos are

  • Memorandum of understanding (MOU): An MOU is a type of memo that outlines the terms and conditions of an agreement between two or more parties
  • Memorandum of association (MOA): An MOA is a type of memo that outlines a partnership between two or more parties
  • Memorandum of record (MOR): An MOR is a type of memo used to document an event, such as when employees attend a company training program

There are many templates of memos, some of which are:

  • The announcement memo is used to announce something new or upcoming
  • The problem-solving memo is used to identify and solve a problem within the company
  • And finally, the directive memo is used to give instructions about how something should be done

Examples Of Memo

Here is an example of a formal memo that contains all the necessary information, including the date and time. The subject line should be clear enough so there are no misunderstandings, but also concise enough to fit on one page without going into too much detail about each point being made. This type of memo is typically used for important announcements, policy changes or when taking disciplinary action.


TO: Staff From Management Date: March 15, 2019, Re: Change in Office Hours

Beginning next week, the office will be open from Monday to Friday from 09:00 AM  to 5:00 PM. Staff are asked to arrive at work no later than 08:45 AM to begin their shift on time.

The office will be closed on the weekends and all staff are asked not to report for duty.

If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the management.

Sincerely, Management

In this example, the memo is being sent to inform staff about a change in-office hours. It includes the date, time and changes that are being made.

It is important to be clear and concise when writing memos so that there are no misunderstandings or confusion among staff.


As you can see, memos are a great way to communicate. They’re effective and efficient for both the sender and receiver. But they also have some drawbacks that make them less likely to be used in an office setting than e-mail or instant messaging. 


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What is a memo?

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