CA Foundation Exam June 2023 » CA Foundation Study Material » Business Correspondence » How To Do Note Making: The Ultimate Guide

How To Do Note Making: The Ultimate Guide

Note Making is the process of creating notes while reading or listening to a lecture. Let us learn about it along with some examples and the format of making notes.

Do you take notes by hand or type them into a computer? Do you prefer to use one method over the other? In this article, we will discuss the pros and cons of both methods and help you decide which is the best for you. We will also provide tips on how to make the most efficient notes. Whether you are a student, business professional, or just someone who likes to be prepared, this guide is for you!

What Is Note Making?

Note Making is the process of creating notes while reading or listening to a lecture. It helps you become more organized and also improve your memory power. You can create notes in different formats like mind maps, flowcharts, etc.

Note Making Format In CA Exams

CA exam is one of the toughest exams in India. In CA exams, note-making plays a very important role in passing the exam with a good score. It helps you to gain marks in your internal assessments and also write your answers faster during examination time. So every student must know how to do note-making properly.

Note Making Format

Note-taking is an art. Whether you’re writing an essay on the environment, recording thoughts for one, or preparing for a competitive examination, you’ll need an outline to keep track of any crucial information. Here’s a skeleton format for solving note-taking questions for exams:

  • Heading/Title– This is where you should start the first part of your note, which must encapsulate the main point of the passage.It must be concise, precise, and to the point. Subheadings and additional information go into further detail. It must be succinct, clear, and sharp
  • Subheadings, Points, and Sub-points– Subheadings are an essential component of both written and oral communication. They provide additional information that must be divided into points and subpoints, as well as key terms that should be defined
  • Abbreviations and Symbols– When making notes, it is common and acceptable to use abbreviations to decrease lengthy words. However, make sparing use of abbreviative expressions and remember to end your note with a key that lists all complete forms. Symbols like ‘&, @, #, %, and so on are also permitted

How To Do Note Making

There are different ways to make notes. You can choose any one of the following methods according to your convenience and requirement.

Mind Maps:

Mind maps are very popular among students because they help in understanding the topic quickly and easily. In a mind map, you should write the topic at the center of a page and draw lines to create branches. Then write important points under different branches.

Flow Charts:

In a flow chart, you should write key points in rectangles or diamonds connected with arrows representing their logical relationship. It’s very helpful to understand how things work together as well as make connections between ideas.

Post It Notes:

You can use sticky notes to make notes. You just need some colorful markers and a big piece of paper or wall space where you can write on it. Then stick the sticky note on that place so that they are visible to us easily while studying or working at home or office. 

Note Making Tips

Here are some tips that will help you make better notes:

  • Make short notes. Do not write down everything that is said in the lecture or passage. Just highlight the key points
  • Use abbreviations, symbols and acronyms to shorten long words and phrases. Remember to provide key words at the end of your note
  • Try to write in bullet points or short sentences instead of paragraphs
  • Leave some space on the page so that you can add extra information later if required
  • Keep in mind, notes are not a substitute for reading and listening carefully, but only an aid to understanding what has been said or read!

Benefits Of Note Making

The benefits of note-making include:

  • Save Time: Take notes to save time as you will not have to re-read the text again and again. You can just skim through your notes which are crisp, short and sweet
  • Memory Recall And Retention Are Increased: When you make a note of certain points, it is easier to recall those points. You can just glance at your notes and remember the important points. This saves time as you will not have to re-read the texts again and again
  • Sharpen Your Thinking Skills: Note making helps sharpen your thinking skills as it involves selecting key information from a large mass of data/information, summarizing it and then organizing it logically
  • Helps In Conceptualization: When you take notes, you are visualizing the information that is being given to you. This helps in a better understanding of concepts and also aids in conceptualization


Taking notes is an important part of the learning process, and there are a few different techniques that can help you take better notes. The four methods we’ve discussed in this post – outlining, mapping, chunking, and using keywords – will help you organize your thoughts and make sure you don’t miss anything during your lecture or class discussion. If you want to be a successful student, start taking good notes