Essential Elements of Article Writing

In this article, you will come to know about some current topics for article writing. Also, you will learn about certain essential elements to include in an article.

If you want to write content that engages and informs your readers, there are some essential elements of an article that you need to include. In this article, we will discuss what those essentials are, and how you can implement them into your writing. By following these tips, you will be able to create content that is both interesting and informative for your audience. Also you will come to know about some current topics for article writing to practice.

What Is Article Writing?

In its simplest form, article writing is the process of putting together a piece of writing that provides information on a specific topic. Articles can be used to inform or educate readers on a variety of topics, from current events and politics to more niche subjects like home improvement or cooking.

Types Of Article Writing

There are many types of article writing. The two most common ones include:

  • News articles (also known as “news”) are based on current events and usually have a limited shelf life. They present news or reports about what happened recently in one or more areas such as politics, sports, business etc. For example, a news article about Donald Trump’s election victory would be considered “news”. However, if you write an article on Barack Obama’s presidency then it would not be news anymore because the event is no longer current and does not fall under any single category of information (unless we consider this to be historical).
  • Feature articles are longer than news stories and are written in a more personal or opinionated style. They provide detailed information about topics that may interest readers but do not necessarily require immediate action from them – for example, an article describing how to make money online would probably fall into this category since there is no specific time frame when someone needs it done. Features usually include quotes from experts or personal observations made by the author.

Essential Elements Of Article Writing

  • The headline is the most important element of your article because it will be used to attract readers and get them interested in what you are writing about. People often judge a book by its cover so make sure that your headline catches attention and accurately reflects the content of your article
  • The lead paragraph (or opening sentence) should summarise the entire article in a single sentence and also pique the reader’s interest
  • Formatting is important because it helps to organise your thoughts and makes the article easier to read. Break up your text with short paragraphs, use lists if necessary, and make use of headings and subheadings to further organise your thoughts
  • Include images or videos if they are relevant to your article and help to illustrate your points
  • Make sure that your writing is clear, concise, and easy to understand. Use simple language whenever possible and avoid jargon or technical terms unless necessary
  • Proofread everything at least once before publishing it online or in print
  • Conclude with a call-to-action (CTA) such as asking readers to share their thoughts on social media, subscribe to your newsletter etc. This will encourage them to take action after reading the article which could lead them back again later on when they need more information about similar topics
  • Add links to other articles or websites that provide more information about your topic if possible and appropriate for your audience. For example, an article with tips on how to lose weight might link out to other content such as nutrition plans, exercise routines etc
  • Make sure each sentence has a purpose, flow logically from one another, and build towards the overall argument or point you are trying to make

Now that you know the essential elements of article writing, it’s time to start putting them into practice! Start by brainstorming some ideas for topics that you’re interested in and would like to write about.

Current topics for Articles:

Digital marketing/SEO content

Fashion blogging and social media trends in 2020. How to implement them? What are the trending topics of today’s fashion industry? Make it practical with examples from influencers (Instagram, for example) or your own experience. You can also write about some trendy habits that you wish would disappear in 2020.

Health and fitness

-The best exercises to do at home (without any equipment)

-How to start a fitness routine without getting overwhelmed?

-What are the benefits of working out regularly?

-Top tips for staying motivated when it comes to your health and fitness goals.

-How to create a healthy diet that works for you

-What are the latest food trends? Should you follow them or stick to your routine?

-How to deal with cravings and unhealthy eating habits

Parenting content

-The best ways to discipline your child without yelling or spanking. Tips for positive discipline and consequences for bad behaviour

-How to be a good parent? Tips on how to teach your kids responsibility, life skills etc.

-What are the best ways to deal with tantrums in toddlers and young children? Tips for parents of teenagers as well!


To write an article that engages and informs your reader, you must include certain essential elements. While the specific content of your article will vary depending on the topic and audience, there are a few key ingredients that all successful articles share. By following these tips, you can create content that is both informative and interesting for your readers. So what are you waiting for? Start writing! Are there any other tips you would add to this list? Let us know in the comments below.