CA Foundation Exam June 2023 » CA Foundation Study Material » Business Correspondence » Continuous Functions Permutation and Combination

Continuous Functions Permutation and Combination

Permutation and combination mean different ways in which objects from a set can be selected often without replacement to produce subsets. In business mathematics permutation and combination, the formula helps to arrange a certain group of data in various ways.

In business mathematics when a process of arranging is required permutations are utilized. And the combination is generally used when only several group people are found and the process of arrangements is not needed. In business mathematics subject under the permutations topic here we are going to discuss permutations and all about permutation and combination formulas. Permutation and combination are now some of the most important topics for any entrance examination. And the most interesting part about permutation and combination formulas anyone can understand them very well permutation and combination without having a mathematics background or having mathematical strong knowledge.



Permutation means to make a different arrangement of the orders or the things from a given lot; one or more than one at a time. No need to know about some symbol characters of the permutation formula. Here, ‘r’ refers to the number of different arrangements, and ‘n’ stands for things taken out from the given lot. Now the different things are calculated by nPr .


Suppose there are three items A, B, and C.

The different arrangements of these A, B, C items taking 2 items at a time are: AB, BA, BC, CB, CA, and AC. Thus nPr = 3P2 = 6.

And now if again all the arrangements of these A, B, C taking 3 items at a time are ABC, ACB, BCA, BAC, CAB, and CBA. Thus nPr = 3P3 = 6.

So it’s clear that by taking the number of permutations of 3 things; 2 or 3 items at a time is 6.


  • Permutation means an arrangement of objects without any kind of repetition
  • The permutation formula also gives equal importance to all orders
  • Permutation formula always arranged the whole number as if; in anyways, one can arrange objects
  • If one of the operations can do in Y variant ways and another operation can be done in Z variant ways then two operations together can be done in (Y × Z) ways

Things all are Different

In permutation and combination, where calculations are being done on some different things. Then Permutations formula works as follows:

In Permutations, if ‘r’ refers to the number of different arrangements and ‘n’ stands for things taken out from the given lot. Now the different things are calculated by nPr.

Where ‘r’ is less than or equal to ‘n’  (r≤ n).

Here, nPr = n.(n –1).(n –2)…….. (n – r +1).

  1. So, it’s time to clarify the first place is filled up in ‘n’ ways in the Permutation formula
  2. The first two places can be filled up in n.(n –1) ways
  3. The first three places can be filled up in n.(n –1).(n –2) ways

Things all are not Different

Now if the orders are not indifferent things means it will go on similar products or things then the Permutations formula works as follows:

  • The number of permutations refers to ‘n’ things and the taken amount refers to ‘r’
  • At the time in which k1 elements are of one kind
  • k2 elements are of a second kind
  • k3 elements are of a third kind and all the rest are different as given by 

nPr=!rk1! k2!. k3!. ……kn! 



Communication refers to a variety of arrangements made out of a given lot. And these arrangements will be done without repeating any element and it can take one or more at a time. All the references are similar in permutation and combination formulas like ‘n’ is also refers to several things formed and ‘r’ refers to a time. And the formation of the combination looks like nCr.


Suppose there are three items A, B, and C. Using the same letters in permutation and combination to understand it very clearly.

In the combinations of 3 things taken 2 things at a time are AB, BC, and CA.

Thus nCr = 3C2 = 3. 


As we discussed now it’s quite clear in business mathematics uses of permutation and combinations and their importance. And also the scenario of permutation and combination formula and their differences are quite clear from the above discussions. Both permutation and combination are very useful in business mathematics calculations but permutation refers to many different ways of arranging order whereas communication refers to different ways of choosing an item from a large set of things. In permutation orders matter but combination orders don’t matter at all. Permutation and combination have different characteristics, and both are equally important for business and its mathematical calculations. So it’s important to understand Permutation and combination formulas very well.