Compound-Complex Sentences

Compound-complex sentences are an important part of English Grammar as they combine different types of sentences into one. These sentences use independent and dependent clauses together to make compound-complex sentence.

The principal factor of good writing is Sentence Formation. Sentences and Clauses go hand in hand. Each of these is dependent on one another. Sentences are the basis of any communication style. On the other hand, Clauses make sure that these styles are understood by the reader, without any complications. We use simple, compound and complex Sentences, with the help of the dependent and independent Clauses. 

To make sentences look standard and sophisticated, we use compound-complex sentences. It not only helps with writing in the academic sector but also in other commercial sectors. 

Compound-Complex Sentences

The combination of Compound and Complex sentences is known as compound-complex sentences. It helps in making your writing and speaking more complex and sophisticated. 

Grammatically, compound-complex sentences have at least two independent Clauses and at most one dependent Clause. compound-complex sentences examples are:

  1. Asha forgot her brother’s birthday, so she sent him a gift when she finally remembered.
  2. Risabh missed his online class, so he had to apologise to his teacher when he was asked about it.

You must note from compound-complex sentence examples that they are longer than the usual sentences. Hence, the use of proper punctuation is crucial. 


With compound-complex sentences comes a need to focus on the Punctuation that helps combine the simple compound and complex sentences. Since a compound-complex sentence consists of at least two subordinate clauses and one main clause, it is important to keep the following rules in mind. 

  • If a sentence begins with the main clause, one must apply a comma (,) after the main clause and not in between the subordinate clause
  • Place a comma before the coordinating conjunction
  • Use semicolon (;) to connect to parallel subordinate clauses

Let us understand the structural types of Sentences to understand compound-complex sentences better. 

Structural Types of Sentences

Sentences are generally examined based on their structure. There are three types of sentences- simple, compound and complex sentences. 

Simple Sentences consist of only one Independent Clause. This indicates that it has only one finite verb. For example- 

  1. Economics is an interesting subject.
  2. I have read those instructions.

What is a Complex Sentence?

Complex sentences are made up of at least one subordinate clause and a single main clause. These clauses need help in understanding the part of a sentence which is dependent and independent. Here, the basic understanding is that the sentence is a combination of two types of clauses- independent and dependent. This indicates that a complex sentence has two finite verbs. For example-

  • As soon as the online meeting began, Anil said he wanted to raise a point of concern.
  • Because the pizza was too cold, I warmed it up in the microwave.

What are Compound Sentences?

Compound sentences are made up of one principal clause and two or more coordinate clauses, which indicate that each has an independent finite verb. The clauses joined in compound sentences are called coordinate clauses. Coordinate clauses are joined by using coordinate conjunctions. 

The principal clause and the coordinate clauses in compound sentences are connected using conjunctions. One of them is the principal clause, while the others are coordinated using the principal clause. For example- 

  1. We went to the restaurant but the best cook was on leave.
  2. My cousin will get married but he might not if he cracks the competitive exams.

Let us have a quick glimpse at Clauses. 

What are Clauses?

A group of words that contain finite verb is known as clause. The combination of these groups of words help us form simple, compound, and complex sentences. These clauses are of two kinds-

Main Clause- The main clauses are also known as Independent Clauses. Often referred to as the principal clause. 

Subordinate Clause- The Subordinate Clauses are the Dependent Clauses, further divided into three kinds: Noun, Adjective, and Adverb Clause. 

Business Correspondence with Compound-Complex

Correspondence is a crucial tool through which communication takes place among the Commercial Business sector. Business Correspondence refers to the use of various communication options in a written format. Often, Business Correspondence is in the form of Letters, Mails, Notes, Text messages, etc. To make these options look more sophisticated, compound-complex sentences may be used. 

Let us understand with the help of an example. 

Rifat, who came late to work, was scolded by the boss as she missed the meeting.

In the above-given example, “she missed the meeting” and “(Rifat) was scolded by the Boss” are two independent Clauses as these sentences can stand alone. On the other hand, “who came to work late” is a dependent Clause. 

Rifat’s dilemma is just one example. Thousands of such examples can be curated from our daily life. 


A compound-complex sentence can combine information from different aspects of life and put it together in a single sentence. This is what makes it more credible and preferable, mostly among academic writers. When handled carefully, these sentences help in clarifying doubts- making the sentence readable among the readers. Hence, Sentence formation is an important tool, and simple, compound, and complex sentences play an integral role.