
Compound Complex Sentence

Complex-compound sentences consist of two or more independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses. This sentence structure is used in legal and medical writing.

A full sentence is a collection of words that make sense to the reader as a whole. It encapsulates an entire idea. A subject and predicate are the most common components. An exclamation point, a question mark, or a full stop are all acceptable endings to the sentence. A sentence would be incomplete without a finite verb.

It is possible for a sentence to be short and simple or extensive and complex. Structure and semantics are complicated by the addition of objects, complements, phrases, and sentences.

Each of the below- sentences contains a subject and a verb and may be read as a complete thought on its own.

Example : 

  • I like movies.
  • I like horror movies.
  • I like horror films which are based on true stories.

Compound-complex or complex-compound sentences consist of two or more independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses.

Structure-based categorization of sentences:

  1. Simple sentences: There is only one subject and one predicate in a simple sentence form. It only uses one finite verb. To put it another way, there is just one primary clause in this sentence. Is able to stand on its own and express a single, complete thought.

Examples of simple sentences : 

  • I laugh
  • He ran after his sister.
  • The lady hugged her son.
  1. Compound sentences: There are two or more separate clauses that make up a compound sentence. There is no dependent clause in this sentence. In addition to commas, semicolons, and colons, the sentences are linked by a coordinating conjunction.

Examples of compound Sentences: 

  • Seema loves her sister, but she fights with her.
  •  I am thin, and he is fat
  1. Complex sentences: There is one Main clause and one or more Dependent clauses in a Complex sentence.

Examples of complex sentences:

  • When I come back, I will eat lunch.
  • If you distribute the most brushes, you will win the contest.
  • Although it was very lengthy, the movie was still entertaining.
  1. Complex Compound sentences: Compound-complex or complex-compound sentences consist of two or more independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses.

Examples of complex compound sentences :

  • Seema loves her sister, and she loves her too because she pays her bills.
  • Though my husband says it doesn’t matter, I am thin, and he is fat.

The complex compound sentence structure

As far as grammatical complexity goes, this is the pinnacle of oratory. Writing at a higher level of complexity can be achieved by mastering the art of compound-complex sentences.

  • Clauses

There must be a subject and a verb in every phrase. The independent clause and the dependent clause are two distinct sorts of clauses that combined to form a sentence.

  • Independent clause

When a statement or query is made in an independent clause, it serves as a complete sentence.

Example: The lion roars.

  • Dependent clause

In order for a dependent clause to function as a complete sentence, it must begin with the word “when,” “because,” “if,” or “whom.”

Example: when the lion roars.

A grammatically correct sentence must include at least one independent clause, which means it must have at least one subject and one verb.

Comprehending Sentences That Are Compound or Complex.

The compound sentence: To form a compound sentence, you must have two independent clauses that are united by a coordinating conjunction (such as the conjunction “for” and commas, but not by commas alone) or by the semicolon (semicolon) on their own.

Example of the compound sentence: The cab driver lost his location map, but he still found the destination quickly.

The complex sentence: A complex sentence has both a dependent and an independent clause. As long as the dependent clause comes first, punctuation isn’t required to separate it from the independent clause.

Example of complex sentences: Because the milk was too cold, I warmed it in the microwave.

Building of Compound-Complex Sentences

A compound-complex sentence is made up of at least two independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses.

Example of compound-complex sentences :

  • Though Anisha prefers watching horror films, she rented the latest romantic film, and she enjoyed it very much. 
  • Shivam forgot his aunt’s birthday, so he sent her a card when he finally remembered.

Punctuating compound-complex sentences correctly is critical because they tend to be longer than other sentences.

Examples of independent clauses have been given in the following sentences.

  • Reena smiled loudly and laughed delightedly when she saw her new car.

Independent clause: Reena smiled loudly and laughed delightedly

  • Although I like to watch horror movies, I haven’t been able to see any lately, and there haven’t been any interesting ones released recently.

Independent clause: I haven’t been able to see any lately.

There haven’t been any interesting ones released recently.

  • The door of the flat was open as I crossed the corridor and I saw the most beautiful arrangement of balloons.

Independent clause: The door of the flat was open.

I saw the most beautiful arrangement of balloons.

  • I usually use a wooden spoon, whenever I cook in nonstick ware, but sometimes I prefer to use my plastic spatula.

Independent clause: I usually use a wooden spoon.

I prefer to use my plastic spatula.


Each independent clause is linked to at least one dependent clause, resulting in a compound-complex sentence.