Marketing Mix

MCQs on "marketing mix": Find the multiple choice questions on "marketing mix", frequently asked for all competitive examinations.

4 Ps of marketing play an important role in your company’s marketing for services and products. Product, place, price and promotion are the components of the marketing mix. Which are like a theory or method to understand the market and to reach the customer as early as possible. These 4 Ps are also the symbol to identify what exactly the consumers need and how the company can reach their customers with the fulfillment of their demands. Also if there is a failure in the service or product the company will get to know about it through this method of marketing.

1. For the selection of products at the right location with the right timing, what exactly do marketers ask themselves:

    1. Offering the warranty benefits
    2. Packing of product
    3. Product Availability
    4. Payment acceptance method

Answer: Product Availability

2. Identify which of the concept is involved in the product of T-Shirts

    1. Product
    2. Price
    3. Place
    4. Promotion

Answer: Product

3. A company is running a membership club which has a premium membership feature as well where all the customers are having more than $9000 salary annually. Those customers get benefits through a special discount on luxury hotels. The company is following the _________ segmentation.

    1. Gender
    2. Income
    3. Geographic
    4. Benefit

Answer: Income

4. An automobile company has a _________ segmentation approach based on that they monitor customer’s age, income and gender then they give the approval for the purchase of a car.

    1. Geographic
    2. Benefit
    3. Occasion
    4. Demographic

Answer: Demographic

5. For the product promotion you can include everything except ___________ because this will be a time-consuming process and will have extra cost

    1. advertisement for a new product
    2. Discount so that you can increase the sales
    3. Personal selling with the help of sales representatives
    4. Modification in the product so that it can look more updated

Answer: Modification in the product so that it can look more updated

6. Consumer and Producer both are mostly used by the manufacturing company of:

    1. Chocolate Bars
    2. CD- DVD players
    3. Mass production of car
    4. Super racing cars

Answer: Super racing cars

7. Management of the company is trying to make the decision on the innovation of their service and they have taken the decision on introducing the new range of athletic wear and equipment. What marketing mix are they using:

    1. Product
    2. Place
    3. Price
    4. Promotion

Answer: Product

8. If a product like ice cream is getting purchased on regular basis then it is important to sell it through:

    1. Personal Selling
    2. Many retailers
    3. Direct selling to the consumer from ice cream factory
    4. The producer gives it to the wholesaler then they will sell it to the consumers

Answer: Many retailers

9. A product must have the quality of

    1. Having a good design
    2. Satisfying the want and needs of customers.
    3. Same appearance as other products
    4. Both A and B

Answer: Both A and B

10. When you look at the advertisement board of a store and then you make the decision for shopping there then which marketing mix strategy or element has succeeded there?

    1. Presentation
    2. Product
    3. Place
    4. Promotion

Answer: Promotion

11. Making a decision on selling and making the product design involves which segment-first

    1. Price
    2. Place
    3. Product
    4. Promotion

Answer: Product

12. ______ is related to the product distribution

    1. Product
    2. Place
    3. Price
    4. Promotion

Answer: Place

13. Creation of advertisement is

    1. Price
    2. Place
    3. Promotion
    4. Product

Answer: Promotion

14. What exactly does promotion mean?

    1. A type of communication method through which people can make a purchase of a company’s product
    2. Transfer from a particular place to the chosen place.
    3. For the promotion purpose only
    4. When there is an advancement from a lower level to the higher level

Answer: A type of communication method through which people can make a purchase of a company’s product

15. How you will best explain the marketing plan

    1. The type of plan which will make a product suitable to the consumer with the help of selected strategy
    2. Business’s marketing objective achievement strategy
    3. The location where the company’s product will be sold
    4. A type of plan which helps in marketing the product in the different regions of the country

Answer: The type of plan which will make a product suitable to the consumer with the help of the selected strategy

16. One of the manufacturers who are into selling the computers has taken the decision to create a chain of retailer’s shops so that they can sell their products. What exactly is the reason for it:

    1. The cost of running and opening up a chain of a retail shops is cheap
    2. Current shops are ready to accept the lower profits
    3. For controlling the product marketing
    4. For the advertisement purpose of the product.

Answer: For controlling the product marketing

17. A farmer has taken the decision to sell the grown vegetables to the consumers directly. The reason behind this decision is:

    1. People have to understand the product use
    2. Since goods are costly they need a quality image
    3. Perishable products are the reason
    4. Because the purchase of a product is infrequent.

Answer: Perishable products are the reason

18. The only disadvantage manufacturers can face while using the wholesaler instead of directly dealing with retailers is

    1. There are many other wholesalers and retailers with which manufacturers have to deal with
    2. Wholesaler’s profit margin can have an impact on the price of the product.
    3. Manufacturers are involved with another delivery process
    4. Manufacturers are having a high amount of stock.

Answer: A wholesaler’s profit margin can have an impact on the price of a product.

19. Wholesalers have all the rights related to the product except:

    1. To break the bulk quantities into small deliveries to supply the retailers.
    2. Providing credit facilities to their retailers
    3. Arrangement of delivery for the retailer so they can receive the product
    4. They can’t put the product on display for the customers

Answer:  They can’t put the product on display for the customers

20. The biggest advantage of using the mediator/agent for selling your product in the different country’s markets is:

    1. The agent can’t take his cut from the profit of goods sale
    2. The producer can connect with the consumer much more easily
    3. That mediator knows the condition of the local market and he has all the knowledge about how things work in that particular market.
    4. The manufacturer will have all the control over the sale of the product.

Answer: That mediator knows the condition of the local market and he has all the knowledge about how things work in that particular market.

21. The only disadvantage of using the marketing mix and channel of distribution (producer-wholesaler-retailer-consumer) is

    1. Profit which is shared by the intermediaries will help in keeping the price low
    2. The producer may lose control over the marketing of the product
    3. Producers should have high stocks of finished products/goods
    4. For consumers, it will be hard to directly approach the company if there is any fault in it.

Answer: The producer may lose his control over the marketing of the product

22. For the selling of products the online marketing process requires which channel of distribution from the following?

    1. Producer – consumer
    2. Product- Wholesaler- Retailer- Consumer
    3. Producer- Agent- Retailer- Consumer
    4. Producer- Retailer- Consumer

Answer: Product – consumer

23. __________ is the advantage of choosing the television advertising.

    1. The cost of advertising through television is much cheaper than any other advertising.
    2. It will give all the information about the product to the consumer.
    3. Through Television marketing you can aim the audiences for the decided days at different timings.
    4. Target audience will be able to watch the adverts.

Answer: Through Television marketing you can aim the audiences for the decided days at different timings.

24. Advertisement, direct selling, sales promotion these all are the part of which Ps of the market mix?

    1. Product
    2. Promotion
    3. Place
    4. Physical Evidence

Answer: Promotion

25. How will you describe the term marketing mix

      1. A complete analysis of the all different factors inside of the company and outside of the company.
      2.  A total series of decisions related to the product which help in increasing the product sales.
      3. To define the relationship between the weakness of the company and the strength of marketing.
      4. A total blend of strategies and strategic elements which are made to target the specific market and the consumers.

Answer: A total blend of strategies and strategic elements which are made to target the specific market and the consumers.