CA Foundation Exam June 2023 » CA MCQs » Collection of Data

Collection of Data

MCQs on "Collection of Data": Find the multiple choice questions on "Collection of Data", frequently asked for all competitive examinations.

Collection of data is a systematic technique of gathering information, observations and measurements of variables of a particular subject. Data collection is an important methodological tool in conducting qualitative and quantitative research in any field of study like Science, Social studies, literature, business etc.

Mainly, there are two types of data sources- primary and secondary. Here, we will provide you with several important MCQs related to Data collection and their answers to enrich your knowledge.

1. The term “data” came from the Latin root term-

    1. Detem 
    2. Datam
    3. Datum
    4. Data

Answer- (C)

2. Two types of research data include-

    1. Recognised and unrecognised data.
    2. Structured and unstructured data.
    3. Qualitative and quantitative data.
    4. Organised and processed data.

Answer- (C) 

3. Which one is the true example of primary data from the following options?

    1. Journal
    2. Book
    3. Census Report
    4. Newspaper

Answer- (C)

4. What is it called when the data is sourced from the place of origin?

    1. Secondary
    2. Primary
    3. Secondary and primary
    4. All of the above

Answer- (B)

5. What is it called when the data source is gathered and compiled with others?

    1. Primary Data
    2. Quantitative data
    3. Secondary data
    4. None of the above

Answer- (C)

6. Information of research is called – 

    1. Qualitative
    2. Quantitative
    3. Qualitative and Quantitative both
    4. None of the above

Answer- (C)

7. The method of collecting primary data is called – 

    1. Questionnaire and schedule method
    2. Observation and Interview method
    3. None of the above
    4. All of the above

Answer- (D)

8. Structured observation is a part of – 

    1. Descriptive study
    2. Experimental study
    3. Fundamental study
    4. All of the above

Answer- (A)

9. Data that are collected or sourced from the internet is called –

    1. Documentary sources of data
    2. Internal secondary sources of data
    3. External secondary sources of data
    4. All of the above

Answer- (C)

10. Which statement is not true or incorrect from the following 

    1. The identity is known of the respondent in the case of the questionnaire.
    2.   The scheduling method is expensive and complicated in comparison to the questionnaire method.
    3. The informants or respondents generally fill up the schedule.
    4. All of the above.

Answer- (A) 

11. Which one is incorrect among the following statements?

    1. The investigator meets the informants directly and collects information, in the case of a direct personal interview.
    2. The investigator meets and collects information from the informants directly, in the case of an indirect interview.
    3. The researcher primarily collects data by observing, in the case of the observation method. 
    4. All of the above

Answer- (B)

12. The primary data is gathered through – 

    1. Survey
    2. Experiment
    3. Both options a and b
    4. None of the options a and b

Answer- (C)

13. What comes right before the formulation of the hypothesis in the research? 

    1. Collection of data
    2. Analysis of data
    3. Selection of the tools of research
    4. Statement of objectives

Answer- (A)

14. Pantry audits are gathered for recording  – 

    1. Measure the wastage of goods
    2. Measure the annual sale of goods
    3. Measure the different consumption of goods by the customers.
    4. Measure the average collection from the sale of the goods. 

Answer- (C)

15. What are the key factors in choosing the right or correct method for research?

    1. Availability of funds and time
    2. Scope, nature and objectives of the research
    3. All of the above
    4. None of the above

Answer- (C) 

16. Data collected from an archive or the records of an organisation is called-

    1. Internal data
    2. Secondary data
    3. External data
    4. Primary data

Answer- (D)

17. Which term in data collection describes the interviewer’s inability to contact an interviewee?

    1. Error of calculation
    2. No response error
    3. Sampling bias
    4. None of the above

Answer- (B)

18. What is the unbiased or compensatory error?

    1. The error that arises accidentally in the normal course of research.
    2. Errors that can be intentional.
    3. Errors are the result of unclear hypotheses.
    4. All of the above

Answer- (A)

19. What is a representative sample?

    1. A sample that accurately represents data.
    2. A sample that accurately represents data at a much lower cost.
    3. A sample that has been collected within a short period.
    4. All of the above.

Answer- (D)

20. The method of collection of the data of the population of a country is an example of-

    1. Sample method
    2. Census method
    3. Both of them
    4. None of them

Answer- (B)

21. In a survey, information are gathered from-

    1. Respondents
    2. Informants
    3. Both of them
    4. None of them

Answer- (C) 

22. The collection of primary data is more important than secondary data. This information is-

    1. Incorrect
    2. Correct
    3. Depends on the researcher
    4. None of the above

Answer- (A)

23. Qualitative data includes-

    1. Numerical and percentile information of a subject
    2. Every major and minor detail of a subject
    3. Both of them
    4. None of them

Answer- (B)

24. The terms “systematic samplings” and “quasi-random samplings” can be used interchangeably.

    1. Completely false
    2. Partially false
    3. Partially true
    4. Completely true

Answer- (D)

25. A telephonic interview takes less time than a mailed questionnaire. This statement is-

    1. Partially true
    2. Completely true
    3. Completely false
    4. Partially false

Answer- (B)

26. An individual trained in gathering data from the source is called-

    1. Investigator
    2. Respondent
    3. Enumerator
    4. None of the above

Answer- (C)

27. The limitations of a personal interview include-

    1. Personal biases 
    2. Lack of space and time
    3. Both of them
    4. None of them

Answer- (C)

28. The method of collecting first-hand data includes-

    1. Mailed questionnaire
    2. Personal interview
    3. Telephonic interview
    4. All of the above

Answer- (D)

29. An example of first-hand data is-

    1. Information collected from a report
    2. Information gathered from a telephonic interview
    3. Data collected from a local newspaper
    4. Information collected from an RBI bulletin

Answer- (C)

30. Which of the following method can be used when there is no need for accurate data

    1. Data collected from the NSSO database
    2. Information gathered through investigation
    3. Personal interview
    4. Data collected from local informants

Answer- (A)

31. An investigation conducted by an agency on a specific topic to gather data is called-

    1. Investigation
    2. Statistical enquiry
    3. Statics data
    4. None of the above

Answer- (B)

32. If a random sample of adequate measure is chosen from a large population, it would generally possess the characteristics of the mass. This statement can be attributed to the law of-

    1. Census
    2. Sampling
    3. Statistical regularity
    4. All of the above

Answer- (C)

33. The data contained in the national income estimates and census of population done by the government is called-

    1. Internal data
    2. Secondary data
    3. Primary data
    4. External data

Answer- (B)

34. Aspects one should keep in mind while gathering secondary data-

    1. Reliability of the collection authority
    2. Reliability of the source
    3. Purpose of the research
    4. All of the above

Answer- (D)

35. Assertion (A)- No technique of gathering primary data is free from the prejudiced perspective of the Investigators or the informants.

Reason (R)- The investigator’s lack of training can cause errors.

    1. Both assertion (A) and Reason (R) are false.
    2. Both assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A)
    3. Assertion (A) is true, but the reason (R) is false.
    4. Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but the reason (R) is not the correct explanation of the assertion (A).

Answer- (B)

36. Various methods of collecting primary data include-

    1. Questionnaire method
    2. Indirect oral investigation
    3. Direct personal interview
    4. All of the above

Answer- (D)

37. Primary data is also known as first-hand or original data. This statement is-

      1. False
      2. True
      3. Partially false
      4. Partially true

Answer- (B)

38. What is the right match?

Column A

Column B

  1. Indirect oral investigation
  1. Investigator sends a prepared questionnaire to a respondent with a cover letter.

2. Mailed questionnaire

2. Appointed local agents to provide information

3.Personal investigation or interview

3. Investigators collect information from third party authorities or sources

4.Information gathered from local sources

4. The investigator gathers information through first-hand observation, interviews etc.

Code- 1, 2,3,4

    1. ii, i, iv, iii
    2. i, ii, iii, iv
    3. iv, ii, iii, i
    4. iii, ii, iv, i

Answer- (A)

39. Among the following options which can provide accurate primary data?

      1. External source
      2. Internal source
      3. Both of the above
      4. None of the above

Answer- (B)

40. Effectively collecting data from an unlettered community is a difficult task. The process includes-

      1. Indirect oral investigation
      2. Direct personal investigation
      3. Mailed questionnaire
      4. None of the above

Answer- (B)