GATE CSE IT » What is the difference between function overloading and function overriding in C Plus Plus?

What is the difference between function overloading and function overriding in C Plus Plus?

C Function Overloading and Function Overriding are two approaches to providing the same name for multiple functions in a single file. Process overriding is similar to function overloading, but function overriding includes control over the program’s behaviour, which is impossible in the case of function overloading. Function override is a particular case and can be used only on member functions of classes and structs, each having a unique signature.

Function Overloading has defined that multiple functions with the same name, but different parameters are allowed, and these functions will be differentiated by their parameter types. Function overriding has determined that a part is declared without any prototype and can be used in the body of the program with any number of arguments having different data types. In C, function overloading means having different functions with the same name but another idea. Part overriding means having the same position in other classes, but these functions have different behaviour.

What is function overloading?

Function overloading is a programming technique in which a single name is defined for more than one function. Function overloading is a technique in which we write more than one function with the same name but different sets of parameters.

Function overloading helps us to achieve code reuse, makes programs more readable, and reduces coding time. Function overloading happens when the same function has more than one name & number. The compiler decides the correct version of a process to call based on the number and type of parameters passed into it.

Function overloading is a feature that comes in handy if we need to reuse a function or method in several different places with different sets of parameters. This saves time and development costs.

What is function overriding?

Function overriding is a programming technique used to extend the functionality of a pre-existing function. Function overriding is a concept in object-oriented programming (OOP) that allows a function of one class to be overridden by another function of the same name in a child class or further derived class. You must create another function with the same name and signature to override a function.

An overridden function is a new definition of a function provided by another class or struct. Overriding works in derived classes to give each class a different implementation for the same function name.

As described, overriding a function is precisely what it sounds like: another part overcomes the original position. This one takes precedence in the event of any conflict.

What is the difference between function overloading and function overriding in C Plus Plus?

Function overloading 

Function overriding

Function overloading and function overriding are discussion topics in C language. Function overloading lets you declare functions with the same name but different parameters. 

Function overriding lets you define one or more tasks that will override the function defined in the base class or parent class. WHO can do this by calling virtual prototypes or inheriting the type declared in your base class.

Function overloading is when a function has multiple implementations with different numbers, parameters, or both. 

Process overriding is when the same function overrides apart from a parent class from a child class.

Function overloading is a process of defining the same function with different names and different arguments.

The process of redefining the same position in the derived class is known as function overriding.

Function overloading means WHO can define multiple functions in the same scope with the same name. 

Function overriding means a part may override another function if it has the same signature as the original function.

Function overloading allows you to use multiple function signatures with the same name (i.e., The functions will have different signatures but share the same name).

On the other hand, function overriding is a mechanism that overrides or replaces the existing implementation of a base class member function with another performance when derived.

Function Overloading allows the same function name to be defined in multiple forms using different numbers and types of parameters.

Function When we want to override a position within a class, we use overriding. In this case, the same function name must exist in both the base and derived classes, but the code must differ.

The process of defining the same function in multiple ways is known as function overloading.

Function overriding is a type of function overloading accomplished using the inheritance provided by the C class.

Perhaps the point of this table is that most of the differences between overloading and overriding functions aren’t relevant unless you’re dealing with L-values. The other quite obvious conclusion is to use overloading wherever possible because it’s easier to comprehend in simple cases and significantly simpler to program.