Kerala PSC » Kerala PSC Notifications » KAS Marking Scheme

KAS Marking Scheme

Find the updated marking scheme and latest answer keys of Kerala PSC KAS Exam here!

The Kerala Public Service Commission conducts the Kerala Administrative Service Exam to recruit candidates for civil services in Kerala. The Kerala Administrative Exam or KAS exam takes place every year in three different stages – Prelims, Mains, and Interview. In the first stage of the exam or Prelims, candidates are asked the questions in the form of MCQs or Multiple Choice Questions. The Prelims exam has a total of 200 marks. The Mains exam or the second stage of the KPSC exam carries a total of 300 marks and candidates have to write descriptive answers.

Here’s an overview of the KPSC marking scheme 

  1. For MCQs- The candidate gets 1 mark each for every correct answer.
  2. For descriptive answers- The KPSC exam does not follow any specific marking scheme for descriptive answers. It depends upon the type of questions asked in the particular exam. 
  3. There is a negative marking for every wrong answer in the MCQ exam. If the candidate answers a question incorrectly, there will be a deduction of 1/3 marks for the same.  

KPSC Exam- Answer Key

The answer key for every exam held by KPSC including the KAS answer key is shared on its official website. Candidates can visit the official website of KPSC to check the same or click here