
It is the act of eliminating an overripe crop out of its growing environment in the field.

Harvesting is the procedure of assembling the beneficial portion of a plant. This is performed at the period until all of the nutrient levels have formed and also the edible components have managed to reach the suitable stage of sophistication, which is when the plant is fully matured.A typical harvest occurs 10 to 15 days that after grain has achieved biological maturation, depending on the variety of grain. 

When the grain reaches maturity, it seems to have a specialised moisture level and physical attributes that distinguish it from other grains. The duration of the developing cycles (that varies depending on the cultivar and variety) and the level of longer maturities of the grain are used to identify the most ideal time to harvest.Harvesting could perhaps arise whenever the grain has a moisture concentration in the range of 15-20 percent. 

Obviously, the higher moisture content of the grain at harvest season, the greater the chance of losses due to moulds, insects, and growing conditions. Alternatively, the more grain is allowed to sit in the field (to allow for yet more dehydration of the grain), the greater the chance of damages to disintegrating of grains or assaults by birds, rats, as well as other parasites.


Peas and lentils are typically harvested manually using basic agricultural tools like a scythe or mechanically whenever the seeds are mature but have not yet been exposed. For manual harvesting, the crops are lifted up and left to completely dry before being harvested. Such a procedure must be carried out first in the morning, when the wetness of the night reduces the likelihood of destroying losses from occurring. 

Chemical defoliants are applied to the plants under certain areas prior to harvesting in order to prevent them from becoming diseased. In order to avoid harvesting processes from being slowed down by too much plant matter, this procedure is meant to speed dehydration of the crops and decrease the amount of plant matter present. It takes roughly 80-100 man-hours per hectare of land to trim the plants with a scythe on average.

Harvesting Index Formula

It is calculated as the ratio of the pounds of grain harvested to the overall pounds of above-ground organic matter harveste.This proportion of grain to overall dry shoot matter (HI) is often used as a way of measuring reproductive performance in plants. Harvesting Index (HI) is analysed by connections among genotypes (G), environment (E), and crop management (M)

Harvest index is calculated as follows: lbs of grain divided by (lbs stover added by lbs grain).

Harvesting Time of crop

The duration of planting for us is usually between two and three weeks, based on Mother Nature’s schedule. It can take a very long time. To be sure, a great amount of “preparation” work has gone into planting, including things including sprinkling the soil to help eliminate weeds slightly earlier on. Spritzing burndown is what we call this process. In addition, we impose Anhydrous Ammonia on the farms which will be planted with corn this season. Prior to planting the field, we perform this task. After the corn has been sown, a few farmers choose to do the work. A side dressing is what you’re looking at right now.

A typical harvest occurs 10 to 15 days just after grain has arrived physiological competence, depending on the variety of grain.When the grain reaches maturity, it has a specialised water content as well as physical features that distinguish it from other grains.When planning the harvest, it is important to consider not just duration of the growing periods (that also varies depending on the variety), but rather the extent of ripening of the grain, in order to ensure that the harvest occurs at the most advantageous period.


Mechanized harvesting systems, as well as manual harvesting with simple agriculture equipment, are all available.The level of mechanisation that should be used is determined by the expected use of certain equipment and is a personal preference.The selection of the equipment must be supported by an assessment of the yearly area to also be harvested as well as an economic evaluation of the equipment.In addition to thanking God for the abundance of food that many of us enjoy, the goal of this festival is to raise awareness about the hunger that exists in other parts of the world. Members of some churches may be encouraged to make charitable contributions to those who are in need in developing countries.A harvest method is a strategy of greater profits by reducing expenditures on an established product while maintaining quality of the product. Harvest methods are generally employed on outmoded goods, with profits being re-invested in the development of next generation models or innovations.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the NEET UG Examination Preparation.

What exactly happens during the harvest season?

Ans. Harvest time generally begins in late September or early October f...Read full

What exactly is the harvesting procedure?

Ans. It is the method of removing an overripe crop from its growing en...Read full

What happens once the harvest is completed?

Ans. Farmers still have a lot of work to do when the harvest is comple...Read full

What are the ramifications of failing to harvest in a timely manner?

Ans. Harvesting at the proper time assures optimum grain quality as well as a high market value. A greater pr...Read full

What methods do farmers use to determine when to harvest?

Ans. The timing of harvest is mainly measured by the amount of moisture present. However, the timing of harve...Read full