Kerala PSC » Kerala PSC Study Materials » Molecular Biology » INHIBITION OR TRANSLATION


Inhibition is the second step of translation and it can be stated that the t RNA is selected for the inhibition. It is observed that this inhibition process is related to the protein synthesis process.

Inhibition is related to the tRNA and it is also associated with the protein synthesis process which is situated in the body of plants or ribosomes which are very essential bacteria. Conversely, it can be stated that the inhibitors can try to bind the free ribosomes and also try to interfere and block the elongation process related to the ribosomes. The famous inhibitor associated with the eukaryotic translation is cycloheximide or the CHX.

Inhibition of translation

There is a particular definition of inhibition of translation. It is described as the particular process which can play an effective role in the treatment of cancer. Basically, inhibition of translation is a process related to the chain of polypeptide production and also associated with the mRNA. The inhibition of translation comprises more than a dozen targets related to the protein and there are four main stages of the translation. These stages are, formation of pre-initiation, elongation of transcription, formation of transcription and termination of transcription. Therefore, it is clear that the entire overview of the inhibition of translation is related to the biological context. 

Inhibit bacterial translation

This is one of the effective processes related to the inhibition of translation, and it refers to the particular action which is related to the most relevant and also common antibiotic mode. It has been observed that the inhibit bacterial translation is also essential for restraining the bacterias which are pathogenic in nature. The translation which is the transcription process is targeted by antibiotics and interferes with the processing of ribosomes or the assembly related to ribosomes. This particular process also targets the utilization of tRNAs which are charged as well as the translation factors. 

Conversely, it can be stated that there is a process associated with the antibiotics to inhibit the bacterial translation process which is related to the protein synthesis of bacterias. This process can interfere with the 30S, 50S and 70S ribosomes which can help to activate the amino acid for the peptide synthesis. Therefore, it is clear that the protein synthesis is related to the protein synthesis of the bacterial ribosome.      

Inhibition of translation and post translation

There are some crucial drugs related to the inhibition of translation and post translation. These are discussed below: 

  1. There are some drugs named macrolide, aminoglycosides and clindamycin which try to expose their potential behavior in the context of the translation process. There is also some evidence of inhibition of translocation of ribosomes related to the above-mentioned drugs. 

  2. On the other hand, it can be stated that the turnover of elongation factor G which is also called EF-G is prevented by the fusidic acid from the ribosome.     

Inhibition process of bacterial translation in PCR

The inhibition process in bacterial Ribosomes is a major target for drug intervention with a wide range of different antibodies. These compounds are deriving from different natural products and different phases of protein synthesis that include the error rate of the translation process. “Inhibit translation of Eukarya” is the common laboratory used to inhibit protein synthesis. The different antibodies directly interact with the ribosome and thereby interact with specific stages of protein synthesis, the different Ribosomes inhibit many of which bind near the “Peptidyl Transferase” center in the peptide exit tunnel. This makes it difficult to find molecules that block any bacterial protein synthesis.

Inhibit translation of eukaryote 

It is the other essential topic related to the particular discussion. In the context of the transcription process, actinomycin D which is also called Dactinomycin is the most popular inhibitor. The ethidium bromide is also the other popular inhibitor which can affect the transcription process related to mitochondria but it is important to know that the nuclear transcription is not affected by the particular inhibitor. Rifampicin bind is considered as the other essential thing for transcription process of the polymerase or RNA and create the specific contacts. Inhibiting transcription can also be blocked by this inhibitor.     


In this discussion, it can be concluded that inhibitors are associated with the protein synthesis and these are compounds which can try to slow or stop the development of proliferation in the cells with the help of disrupting the processes that related to creation of the new generation of protein. Furthermore, it can be stated that there are some stages like initiation, earlier stages, ribosome assembly transfer of peptidyl, entry of aminoacyl tRNA and many more. These stages are related to the inhibition of translation.


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