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Electron Binding Energy – Ionisation Energy

A nucleus has electrons and protons that are strongly bound by energy, and this binding energy is the minimum amount of energy necessary to eliminate an electron, proton, or neutron from the nucleus.

The more firmly bound a framework, the more grounded the powers that maintain some kind of control and the more prominent the energy expected to pull it apart. We can consequently find out about atomic powers by analysing how firmly the cores are bound. We characterise the limiting energy (BE) of a core as the energy expected to totally dismantle it into discrete protons and neutrons. We can decide the BE of a core from its rest mass. The two are associated through Einstein’s popular relationship E = (Δm)c2. A bound framework has a more modest mass than its different constituents; the more firmly the nucleons are bound together, the more modest the mass of the core.

Meaning of nuclear binding energy

The electron binding energy is the base energy that is expected to eliminate an electron from a particle, as the negatively charged electrons are held up by the electrostatic draw of the +ve charged core. The electron binding energy is estimated in electron volt (eV), where 1 eV = 1.6 x 10-19 J.

The extent of the electron restricting energy is:

  • directly proportional to the nuclear number (Z).
  • inversely proportional to the separation from the core. For example, internal shell electrons will have more noteworthy binding energy than external shell electrons.

An electron must be eliminated from an iota, assuming that the applied energy is more noteworthy than its electron binding energy. Whenever an internal shell electron is launched out, the opportunity will be filled by an electron from an external shell. The abundance of energy from this shift is transmitted as electromagnetic radiation.

Examples of nuclear binding energy

In terms of chemistry, the binding energy is the amount of energy needed to break apart or separate subatomic particles into atomic nuclei, like rearranging or removing electrons constrained to nuclei in atoms. It could also be termed as the energy required to break apart atoms and ions that are tightly bound in crystals.

  • The binding energy of separation is measured in KJ/mol. 2.23 MeV (Mega electronVolt) is the binding energy of the hydrogen nucleus.
  • By supplying 2.23 million electron volts (MeV) of energy, the hydrogen-2 nucleus, which consists of one proton and one neutron, may be entirely split. In contrast, when a slow-moving neutron and a proton combine to form a hydrogen-2 nucleus, 2.23 MeV of gamma radiation is released. The overall mass of the bonded particles is smaller than the sum of the component particles’ masses by an amount equal to the binding energy (as represented in Einstein’s mass-energy equation).

Binding Energy Curve Explanation

 As we know, the mass of a nucleus is smaller than the total mass of its essential protons and neutrons. When we look at the same number of neutrons and protons in the nucleus we’re trying to reproduce, we can see that the overall mass of the individual protons and neutrons is always bigger than when they’re assembled as a single nucleus. 

The mass defect is the difference in mass between the sum of the individual nucleons and the sum of the products. The amount of energy necessary to break the nucleus into protons and neutrons again is defined as binding energy per nucleon; the higher the binding energy, the tougher it will be to break apart the subatomic particles from their respective nucleus. 

Beginning with H2, the binding energy increases as the atomic number rises. As a result, He (helium) has higher binding energy per nucleon than hydrogen, Li has higher binding energy (in KJ/mol) than helium, beryllium has higher binding energy than lithium, and so on. This pattern continues until we reach iron. It gradually decreases after that.

Binding energy curve

The binding energy is calculated by multiplying the number of nucleons by the total nuclear binding energy. In iron, we see a peak in the binding energy curve in the region of stability, which suggests that either breaking up heavier nuclei, aka fission, or joining lighter nuclei, aka fusion, produces nuclei that are more tightly bound but have less mass per nucleon.

Nuclear binding energy curve explanation

When protons and neutrons unite to make a nucleus again, the mass defect (abbreviated as Δm) is turned into the same amount of energy (Δmc2), which is the nucleus’ binding energy. 

The Binding Energy Formula, Δmc2, often known as the Einstein Energy-Mass Equation, is used here. 

Δ m = (estimated mass of the unbound system) or mass change (measured mass of the system) 

In nuclear physics, for example, the formula is: 

Δm = (sum of masses of neutrons and protons) − (the measured mass of a nucleus) 

c = 3 x 108 m/s.


The energy required to break apart a nucleus into its constituent electrons and protons is termed as electron binding energy. Starting with the hydrogen atom, the binding energy increases as we go down the group till iron, after which there is a gradual decrease in binding energy.


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