Akbar was a great Mughal emperor who turned the system of the Mughal dynasty. There were several reasons for calling him Akbar the Great.

Akbar was famous for creating revolutions in his kingdom. People used to respect him because of his way of thinking. He was extremely focused on making one of the greatest kingdoms in the world. Therefore, it was quite obvious that he was called Akbar the Great. 

Akbar the Mughal Emperor 

Akbar was one of the greatest Mughal emperors of his time. He had ruled from 1556 to 1605 and had made his kingdom one of the major kingdoms of all time. He was made emperor at the age of fourteen as his father died during his early years. He learnt how to rule a kingdom and politics from his mentor Bairam Khan. He learned how to give his support to the Non-muslims and maintain peace with the Muslim followers. Towards the time of his death, he had accomplished conquests.

The Tomb of Akbar the Great 

There is a tomb located in Sikandra named after the great emperor of India. Akbar has achieved many achievements including a tomb created after his name. The Tomb was created in 1605, and it was completed in 1613. Akbar gave the instructions for creating that Tomb. The features of his Tomb were based on elements of Hindu culture. As Akbar the Great believed in grace and beauty, the Tomb was exclusively graceful. The best part about that Tomb was that it was based on Indian cultures and respected all the cultures in India. 

Akbar’s Tomb had all the designs related to experimentalism rather than focusing on the harmony of designs. The monument was created with beautifully crafted stones and had an aesthetic appreciation. There were various windows at the time. The Tomb was designed with unique Persian floral designs. There were various geometrical designs provided for systematic representation of the structure. Therefore, even when It was built such a long time ago, the cultural effects of the Tomb still reflect upon the artistic development of artists.    

Achievements of Akbar 

Akbar resigned as a powerful king during his rule and had proved that he was one of the greatest emperors of India. He has achieved milestones that created history, and people speak of him with the utmost respect. Akbar was successful in creating an extremely strong military. He also gained the trust of his soldiers and maintained loyalty to them. He created a powerful army by promoting Non-Muslim officials into high military officials. The non-Muslim soldiers, in return, proved their loyalty towards him. 

Another achievement made by Akbar was his friendship with the Rajputs. Rajputs and Mughals always had a history of hostility among them. Both religions are always ready to fight each other. In order to build a strong alliance with the Rajputs, he married into their religion. In this way, Akbar created a great friendship with the Rajputs. He captured major parts of Mewar by defeating them in battles. He achieved this due to his bravery and by the support of his Rajput friends. 

Reasons for the name Akbar The Great 

Akbar was a great emperor and was called great by his people. There are many facts for why he was called Akbar the great. The amount of respect that he achieved from his subjects was commendable. He was called Akbar the Great due to his achievements. He had created such a strong army and helped make useful connections with the Rajputs. He learned to fight and run at a very early age, which helped him become a great emperor. However, he had dyslexia and never wanted to study. Even after that, he ruled a great kingdom and became one of the greatest emperors.

He was called Akbar the Great due to his making an unbeaten record for military campaigns. His intelligence and winning strategies have helped him achieve the title. Another achievement due to which he got the title was stretching the empire’s boundaries from Northern to Southern parts of India. He made sure that his enemies could never defeat him by making stronger allies. He showed excessive interest in music and encouraged debate in his court among all these qualities. He always appreciated people with great knowledge of art and music. these are the qualities of becoming a great human being. Therefore, he had all the qualities of becoming Akbar the Great. 


Akbar was a great king and always had proved his loyalty towards his country and his people by making them his priority. Akbar used to make strategic policies keeping the betterment of his people and country in his mind. He respected his religion and accepted all other religions with a whole heart. Even after many objections from his people, he created a bond of friendship with the Rajputs. He was somehow successful in making them a part of his family. Hence, it can be said that Akbar the Great was a justified name for him.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the Karnataka PSC Examination Preparation.

Who was Akbar?

Ans. He was the son of Humayun, a great Mughal emperor.

At what age did he become a king?

Ans. He became a king at the age of fourteen.

Why did he hate reading and writing?

Ans. He did not like to read and write as he had dyslexia.

Who was Akbar’s mentor?

Ans. Akbar’s mentor was General Bairam Khan.

Why was he called Akbar the Great?

Ans. Akbar was called Akbar the Great because he had achieved many great things during his reign and had alw...Read full