Lesson 4 of 8 • 8 upvotes • 8:38mins
The laterite soil is based by when the soil is wet, then it will be so soft like the butter, but when it dries, it becomes very hard and cloddy. This soil is very typical soils as compare to other soils. It founds in the tropical area, where rainfalls and temperature are high. लेटराइट मिट्टी मिट्टी गीली होती है, तब यह मक्खन की तरह नरम हो जाएगी, लेकिन जब यह सूख जाती है, तो यह बहुत कठिन और बेकार हो जाती है। यह मिट्टी अन्य मिट्टी की तुलना में बहुत आम मिट्टी है। यह उष्णकटिबंधीय क्षेत्र में पाया जाती है, जहां बारिश और तापमान अधिक होते हैं।
8 lessons • 1h 14m
General Introduction of Indian Soils (in Hindi)
Alluvial Soil in India (in Hindi)
Red and Black Soils in India (in Hindi)
Laterite Soil in India (in Hindi)
Desert and Forest Soil in India (in Hindi)
Alkaline and Organic Soil in India (in Hindi)
Soil Erosion (in Hindi)
Soil problems and solutions ( in Hindi )