Lesson 6 of 7 • 379 upvotes • 8:58mins
This lesson talks about the presence of Coal Reserves in India. It further elaborates on varieties of coal and its constituents. The lesson also throws light on the occurrence of coal and the coalfields in Jharkhand, Chattisgarh, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal. The coalfields are depicted on the maps for easy remembrance of the facts.
7 lessons • 1h 8m
Minerals of India: Comprehensive Outline (for UPSC CSE)
Know about Bauxite and Copper Reserves in India (for UPSC CSE)
Atomic minerals: Comprehensive Information on Uranium (for UPSC CSE)
Soil Types and Their Distribution in India Part 1 (for UPSC CSE)
Soil Types and Their Distribution in India Part 2 (for UPSC CSE)
Coal Reserves in India: Insight into various Coalfields (for UPSC CSE)
Coal Reserves in India: Tertiary Coalfields, Lignite & Peat Reserves (for UPSC CSE)