Lesson 9 of 10 • 0 upvotes • 9:57mins
Propagation constant of a Transmission line Characteristic Impedance of a Transmission line: The characteristic impedance of a transmission line is defined as the ratio of the positively travelling voltage wave to the current wave at any point on the line. Lossless Transmission line Input impedance on a transmission line Stub Matching In a transmission line, if the load is mismatched and a reflected wave exists on the line. However, for maximum power transfer, it is desired that load be matched to the transmission line, Stub is a line matching device An open-circuited stub radiates some energy at high frequencies. Consequently, shunt short-circuited stubs are preferred. Stub has the same characteristic impedance as the main line.
10 lessons • 1h 41m
Question Based on Concept of Resonance, V-I Relation for R, L, C Elements
Question Based on Fermi Level Shift in Extrinsic Semiconductor
Question Based on Characteristic of op-amp
Question Based on Stability of Control System
Question Based on Spectrum of Modulated Signal
Question based on concept of 8085 instructions length and special purpose registers
Question based on Johnson counter and DAC
Question based on Duality property of Fourier transform
Question based on Transmission line parameters
Question based on polar plot, lead and lag network