Lesson 3 of 5 • 4 upvotes • 9:20mins
Benefits of Bhastrika 1. It is good for brain oxygenation. 2. It benefits the nervous and the motor system. 3. It is great for energizing the body and the mind 4. Good for people with depression and anxiety 5. It helps in treating fibrosis 6. Great for lungs and people who suffer from repetitive cough, flu, respiratory issues, allergies or breathlessness 7. Helps strengthen immunity 8. Checks sleep apnea as well
5 lessons • 47m
How to Charge Mind Body and Soul (in Hindi)
Super Brain Yog: Indian Punishment is Called Super Brain Yog in Foreign Countries? (in Hindi)
Pranayama and Breathing Techniques for Concentration (in Hindi)
One Point Concentration Techniques (in Hindi)
Basic Asanas for Improving Concentration - 1 (in Hindi)