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Control Thyroid With Pranayam (in Hindi)

Lesson 2 of 5 • 2 upvotes • 11:05mins


Prashant Shukla

Thyroid disease ♦ When this disease occurs to a person, its thyroid gland increases, which causes a lot of change in the activities of the body. This disease is more in women. At this time of menopause, physical stress, at the time of pregnancy, puberty has great effect during admission. The type of thyroid disease is the following: Urethirae growth At this disease, excessive hormonal secretion begins with thyroid gland. Signs of growing uthithide The patient suffering from this disease starts losing weight, the body starts to become more weak, does not tolerate heat, sweats sweat more than the body, the fingers get more shivering and the nervousness begins to occur. Due to this disease, the heart of the patient increases, the patient comes to the urine repeatedly, the memory starts becoming weak, does not appear to be hungry and causes high blood pressure. Many times the condition of the patient also causes hair fall. Due to this disease, menstruation in menstrual period starts to get disturbed. Acidide contraction द्वारा At the time of this disease, less hormones are formed by the thyroid gland. Symptoms of uteraeide contraction: - With the disease, the weight of the patient begins to grow and it starts getting cold. Constipation is started in the patient's stomach, the patient's hair becomes dry-dried. Apart from this, the symptoms of pain in the patient's waist, slowing of the pulse of the pulse, swelling in the joints, and swelling on the face become manifest. Uganggo (goiter) - ♦ Disease causes swelling in the thyroid gland and this swelling gets on the throat. Sometimes the inflammation does not appear on the patient's throat, but it can be felt on the skin. ✴ symptoms of swelling of goose disease The concentration power of the patient suffering from this disease (weakness) becomes weak. The patient starts laziness and becomes depressed too. The patient becomes irritable, the mental balance is lost and the weight is also reduced. The patient does not feel like doing any work. Slowly the obstruction of inner parts of the body starts coming. Causes of erythroid disease: - ✅This disease is mostly due to the lack of iodine in the body. This disease also happens to those people who do mostly cooked food and do not eat the natural food at all. Iodine is available in the body according to the requirement of natural food, but iodine is destroyed in cooked food. This disease can also be caused due to mental, emotional stress, mis-eating and contaminated food. Treatment of Naturopathy with erythroid diseases: -In order to treat erythroid diseases, the patient should drink fruit juice (coconut water, cassava, pineapple, orange, apple, carrot, peanut, and grapes) for a few days and after 3 days the fruit and sesame seeds Drink it in milk and drink it. After this, the patient should eat normal food in which there is high amount of green vegetables, fruits and salads and sprouted pulses. This disease is cured by taking treatment for a few days. The patient suffering from this disease should consume fruits, salads, and sprouted food for at least 1 year. Consumption of snuff, Makhana and kalagatta can also be beneficial To recover the disease, the patient should fast for 2 days and only during the time of fast should only drink fruit juice. The patient should clean the stomach by performing an enema. After this, every day should be born and groomed. The patients suffering from thyroid diseases should not consume fried things, flour, sugar, tea, coffee, liquor, canned foods. Mixing 1 tablespoon honey in 1 cup spinach juice Then add cumin powder of pinch of cumin and take it twice daily in the night, after taking it before beding, Thyroid cure is cured. Keep the mouth on the knots and give it 3 times a day. The bandage should be tied up and in the night, the sunlight oil of green bottle should be applied on the knots. To correct this disease, the patient should first use more of the food in the food, which has a higher amount of iodine. 1 glass Soak 2 teaspoons of coriander in water in the night and boil it in the morning. Then when the water is quartered, drink it empty stomach and put salt in hot water and make garlic. In this way, thyroid cure is cured by daily treatment. In order to cure the thyroid diseases, the patient should wet the soil on his stomach and after this the an enema should clean his stomach and then cut it down. needed. As a result of this, the disease is cured within a few days. The patient suffering from this disease should make maximum rest, so that fatigue can not come and the patient should take complete sleep. If there is a mental, physical problem and emotional stress, then it should be removed and then treated with natural medicine. There are several types of compounds and yoga in order to cure intracellular glands. Those who do this every day will cure this disease. These yogic actions and yoga are as follows - Sarvangasa, Halasana, Pranayam, Yognidra , Shavasana, Pawanmuktasanan, Suptaavajrasan, Matsyaasanan etc.

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