Lesson 4 of 5 • 2 upvotes • 8:35mins
1 Hour Practice Tadasan (Palm Tree Pose)Tiryak Tadasan (Swaying Palm Tree Pose)Kati Chakrasan (Waist Rotating Pose)Preparatory Movements 1 - 12 OnceShavasan (Corpse)arm Movements 1, 2, 3Knee Movements 2 and 3ardha Pawanmuktasan (Half Gas Release Pose)Supta Titaliasan (Sleeping Butterfly) - 2 minutes with bolster behind backSupta Vajrasan (Sleeping Thunderbolt) - 2 minutes with bolster behind backVajrasan Series - holding for 20 seconds each positionVajrasan Yoga Mudra Type 1 (Child's Pose) - 5 minutes with knees apart and cushion under head if needed, plus releasing arms to the sideTitaliasan (Butterfly) as an asana and as a movementSulabh Koormasan (Simple Tortoise)ardha Paschimottanasan (Half Forward Bend) - with cushion or bolsterPaschimottanasan (Forward Bend) - with cushion or bolsterUgrasan (Ferocious Pose) - with cushion or bolsterMarjariasan (Cat Pose) - 5 repetitionsVyaghrasan (Tiger) - 5 repetitions on each sideVakrasan Type 1 (Twisted Pose)Swastikasan (auspicious Pose) and twist to sideShavasanDeep Breathing in Tadagasan (Pond Pose)Bhramari (Humming Bee Breath)Om Chanting
5 lessons • 43m