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Overview: Schedules Of Indian Constitution For UPSC CSE/IAS Exam

Lesson 1 of 5 • 803 upvotes • 2:08mins


Roman Saini

This collection deals with the overview of the Schedules of Indian constitution. The first lesson deals with first 4 schedules (1-4) of Indian schedules: states and territories of India, salaries of officials holding public office, oaths of offices for elected officials and judges, allocation of seats in the Rajya Sabha. The second lesson deals with schedules 5 and 6, covering administration and control of Scheduled Areas and Scheduled Tribes; administration of tribal areas in Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, and Mizoram. The third lesson deals with schedules 7-9, covering the 3 lists: union, state and concurrent; official languages; Validation of certain Acts and Regulations. The fourth and the last lesson deals with the schedules 10-12, covering the anti-defection law; Panchayat Raj; Municipalities.

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Overview: Schedules Of Indian Constitution For UPSC CSE/IAS Exam



(1-4) Schedules Of Indian Constitution For UPSC CSE/IAS Exam



(5-6) Schedules Of Indian Constitution For UPSC CSE/IAS Exam



(7-9) Schedules Of Indian Constitution For UPSC CSE/IAS Exam



(10-12) Schedules Of Indian Constitution For UPSC CSE/IAS Exam


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