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Mind Programming Relaxation Technique Lesson 2 (in Hindi)

Lesson 5 of 8 • 1 upvotes • 12:20mins


Prashant Shukla

Yoga brings deep rest to the body and mind. It not only rejuvenates your mind but also adds vigor to the body. It’s a good idea to end your daily yoga practice with Yoga Nidra or yogic sleep. Simply described as an effortless relaxation, Yoga Nidra is an essential end to any yoga pose sequence. While yoga poses warm up the body, Yoga Nidra cools it down. This closing yoga asana involves consciously taking your attention to different parts of the body and relaxing them. Yoga practices increase the energy levels in the body. Yoga Nidra helps conserve and consolidate this energy and relax the entire system, thereby preparing it for pranayama and meditation . It is, therefore, important to keep aside sufficient time for Yoga Nidra in your yoga regime. Benefits of Yoga Nidra Cools down the body after yoga postures Restores normal temperatureActivates the nervous system to absorb the effects of yoga asanas Getting ready for Yoga Nidra Yoga asanas, including Yoga Nidra, are best done on an empty stomach. It is not recommended to practice Yoga after a full meal.A comfortable clutter-free space.Some people may feel a little cold after Yoga Nidra, so, it is a good idea to keep a blanket handy. How to do Yoga Nidra Lie down straight on your back in Corpse Pose (Shavasana). Close your eyes and relax. Take a few deep breaths in and out. Remember to take slow and relaxed breaths.Start by gently taking your attention to your right foot. Keep your attention there for a few seconds, while relaxing your foot. Then gently move your attention up to the right knee, right thigh and hip. Become aware of your whole right leg.Gently, repeat this process for the left leg.Take your attention to all parts of the body: genital area, stomach, navel region, chest.Take your attention to the right shoulder, right arm, palms, and fingers. Repeat this on the left shoulder, left arm, throat, face, and finally the top of the head.Take a deep breath in and observe the sensations in your body. Relax in this state for a few minutes.Slowly becoming aware of your body and surroundings, turn to your right side and keep lying down for a few more minutes. Rolling over to the right side makes the breath flow through the left nostril which helps cool the body.Taking your own time, you may then slowly sit up, and whenever you feel comfortable, slowly and gradually open your eyes.

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