Lesson 2 of 6 ⢠18 upvotes ⢠14:45mins
In basic terms, Plato's Theory of Forms asserts that the physical world is not really the 'real' world; instead, ultimate reality exists beyond our physical world. Plato discusses this theory in a few different dialogues, including the most famous one, called 'The Republic.The spiritual realm, however, exists beyond the physical realm. Plato calls this spiritual realm the Realm of Forms (also called the Realm of Ideas or Realm of Ideals). In his "theory of Mimesis", Plato says that all art is mimetic by nature; art is an imitation of life. He believed that âideaâ is the ultimate reality. Art imitates idea and so it is imitation of reality.
6 lessons ⢠1h 3m
Literary Criticism and Theory - Introduction (in Hindi)
Plato - Theory of Form, Allegory of Cave and Theory of Imitation (in Hindi)
Plato : Theory of an Ideal State with the Concept of Justice (in Hindi)
Aristotle: Theory of Substance (Metaphysics) (in Hindi)
Aristotle's Logic and Idea of Unmoved Mover (in Hindi)
Aristotle's Ars Poetica