Lesson 3 of 6 • 24 upvotes • 8:50mins
Plato's idea of the ideal state(The Republic) was so important to world history,that nearly every government in the world today calls itself a "Republic." Plato built his state on the analogy of an individual organism. He believed that the virtues of an individual and of the state were identical. He was of the view that an individual presented almost the same features and qualities on a smaller scale as society on a bigger scale.
6 lessons • 1h 3m
Literary Criticism and Theory - Introduction (in Hindi)
Plato - Theory of Form, Allegory of Cave and Theory of Imitation (in Hindi)
Plato : Theory of an Ideal State with the Concept of Justice (in Hindi)
Aristotle: Theory of Substance (Metaphysics) (in Hindi)
Aristotle's Logic and Idea of Unmoved Mover (in Hindi)
Aristotle's Ars Poetica