Lesson 1 of 6 • 4 upvotes • 10:47mins
Introduction about the Syllabus of compiler design Student able to learn:-the design of a compiler and the phases of program translation from source code to executable code and the files produced by these phases.Able to explain lexical analysis phase and its underlying formal models such as finite state automata, push-down automata and their connection to language definition through regular expressions and grammars. Able to explain the syntax analysis phase and identify the similarities and differences among various parsing techniques and grammar transformation techniques.Able to use formal attributed grammars for specifying the syntax and semantics of programming languages. Able to identify the effectiveness of optimization and explain the differences between machine dependent and machine-independent translation. What are different levels of programing language Different types of translators. Why we need to study compiler design
6 lessons • 48m
Introduction to Compiler Design (in Hindi)
Language Processing System (in Hindi)
First Compiler | Uses of Compiler , Interpreter (in Hindi)
Phases of Compiler and Pass of Compiler (in Hindi)
Symmentic Analysis | Intermediate Cide Generation | Code Optimization (in Hindi)
Compiler Pass | Single Pass Compiler | Two Pass Compiler