Lesson 1 of 7 • 5 upvotes • 4:17mins
Did you know that Java is the most sought after programming language skill among software developers. Java support everything ,from smartphones to servers to many of the special purpose devices to make up Internet of Things(IoT). Addition to be important to software developers,in a recent survey list , Java is one of the five most important skill for data scientists. In this course, We are going to teach you everything you need to know to get started with Java Technology for the web Application. It's essentially the overview of Java Technology where you can understand that how Java Technology works and interacts with each other through networks and servers and become the most secure and platform independent application. The major topics we will be cover include : 1) What is web application. 2) Java Servlet API 3)Java server pages technology. 4)Jdbc API 5) Hibernate 6)Spring Framework.
7 lessons • 1h 5m