Lesson 4 of 11 • 234 upvotes • 5:14mins
This lesson begins with an introduction to inflation, wholesale price inflation, consumer price inflation and astute policies and management of inflation. It then goes on to explain fiscal deficit and service sectors. The next part of the lesson talks about large returns on early life investments in a mother and child. The final part of the lesson throws some light on the social and human development investment that is required.
11 lessons • 1h 22m
Overview: Detailed Analysis Of Economic Survey (for UPSC CSE)
Analysis Of Economic Survey - Overview Of The Indian Economy (for UPSC CSE)
Analysis Of Economic Survey - Twin Balance Sheet Challenge (for UPSC CSE)
Analysis Of Economic Survey - Inflation & Returns On Investment (for UPSC CSE)
Analysis Of Economic Survey - Reforms Used For Economic Growth (for UPSC CSE)
Analysis Of Economic Survey - Subsidies And Tax Exemptions (for UPSC CSE)
Analysis Of Economic Survey - Jan Dhan Yojana (JAM), Aadhar And Mobile Transactions (for UPSC CSE)
Analysis Of Economic Survey - The Chakravyuha/Exit Challenge (for UPSC CSE)
Analysis Of Economic Survey - Reforms Of The Agricultural Sector (for UPSC CSE)
Analysis Of Economic Survey - True Potential Of India And Conclusion (for UPSC CSE)
Summary Of Lessons On Economic Survey (for UPSC CSE)
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