Lesson 5 of 7 • 1 upvotes • 8:20mins
Phosphorus - Allotropic forms Phosphorus found in Allotropic forms such as white phosphorus, Black phosphorus, and Red phosphorus 1, White phosphorus Translucent, white waxy solid, poisonous, insoluble in water but soluble in cs2, chemiluminescent P4+3NAOH---> PH3+3 NAH2PO2 White phosphorus is less stable, more reactive 2, Red phosphorus I Obtained by heating of white phosphorus at 573k, iron grey lustre,non poisonous, insoluble in water soluble in cs2. Doesn't glow in dark 3, Black phosphorus -- 2 forms Alpha-black.: formed when red phosphorus is heated at 803k, doesn't oxidise in air Beta- black: Obtained by heating of white phosphorus at 473 k, doesn't burn upto 673k
7 lessons • 1h 9m