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Overview of the course (in Hindi)

Lesson 1 of 5 • 45 upvotes • 2:20mins


Om Jaiswal

Nowadays almost in every competitive exam, you will find questions related to Floor Puzzle Problems, especially in bank recruitment exams. In this Course, we discuss a very easy and non-confusing method to solve high-level questions on Floor Puzzle in very less time and with accuracy. Most of the exams including SBI PO, IBPS, CLERK, SBI PO 2017, BANK PO, RRB PO, RBI CLERK, RBI and other competitive exams consist of questions from this topic and many students facing difficulty while solving such questions. So in this course, Om Jaiswal has tried to make their task easier. You will definitely find a change in your speed and accuracy while solving these type of questions.

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Overview of the course (in Hindi)



Problems on 8 Employees 8 Floor Building (in Hindi)



Problems on 8 Students 8 Floor Building and 8 Subjects (in Hindi)



Problems on 8 People 8 Floor Building and Different Cars (in Hindi)



Problems on 9 Employees 9 Floor Building 5 have different Brands of Laptop (in Hindi)


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