Lesson 4 of 7 • 863 upvotes • 9:54mins
In this lesson, Roman shares effective techniques on how to read the Hindu newspaper smartly. Through this lesson, aspirants would understand what to read from page 2- 9 of the Hindu newspaper (e- paper or physical copy), one will also understand what should be ignored and what should not be missed from editorial section of the Hindu, he also speaks on what to read from world, buisness, sports and life news section.
7 lessons • 1h 1m
Overview: How to read The Hindu for Govt. Exams (UPSC CSE etc.)
How To Read The Hindu For Exams: Approach (for IAS/UPSC CSE Preparation)
How To Read The Hindu (2017) For Exams Part 2: Filtering Articles And Sections To Ignore (for IAS/UPSC CSE Preparation)
Introduction: Filtering articles in real time -The Hindu Newspaper (E-paper/Physical copy)
18th September: Filtering articles in real time -The Hindu Newspaper (E-paper/Physical copy)
19th September: Filtering articles in real time -The Hindu Newspaper (E-paper/Physical copy)
20th September: Filtering articles in real time -The Hindu Newspaper (E-paper/Physical copy)