Lesson 2 of 5 • 4 upvotes • 14:15mins
Importance of pH in every day life, pH in digestive system, pH in tooth decay, pH of soil, effects of pH on animals and plants, bee sting. Acid and base in absence of water.
5 lessons • 1h 9m
PH Scale, Acid- Base Indicator: Natural, Synthetic, Olfactory, Universal (in Hindi)
Importance of pH in Everyday Life, Acid and Base in Absence of Water (in Hindi)
Family of salts,conduction of electricity of salts,pH value of neutral salt,basic salt,acidic salt.
Water of Crystallization, Bleaching Powder, Washing Soda,Baking Soda, Plaster of Paris (in Hindi)
Important Questions Asked in Board Examination (in Hindi)