Chetana(ಚೇತನಾ) Karnataka Competitive Exams Daily T20 Championship


Dumpala Malleswari, Mohan Benerji, Narasimha Reddy Kyasaram, Shreedhar Biradar, Vaddiboina Venkataramana Reddy, Murali Krishna Nistala, Nandan R, Prabhakar Chouti, Mallappa Sangati, Bharat Navalagi, Shankara Naika G, Sharanayya Bhandarimath, Ningraju N Sullalli, HANIMYA , Ravikanth Y K, Yashavant Thorave & Manjula D

Started on 25 Jan 2021

Upcoming - 26 Sep

Analysis on Daily T-20 Test on History for KPSC


Mock tests


Doubt classes


Test Languages

English & Kannada

Enroll now to this daily test series and complete your KPSC Preparation through Chetana KPSC daily T20 Championship . This is a daily test series covering all the major subjects for the KAS Examination. In this series, top educators of the KPSC Category will go live each day and help you in your preparation for upcoming KAS Examination.This special test features History, Polity, Economics, Weekly Current Affairs, Geography & Science and technology. ...Read more


  • Syllabus to match your exam preparation
  • Regular tests to access your preparation
  • Detailed test analysis for every test


Chetana(ಚೇತನಾ) Karnataka Competitive Exams Daily T20 Championship


Dumpala Malleswari, Mohan Benerji, Narasimha Reddy Kyasaram, Shreedhar Biradar, Vaddiboina Venkataramana Reddy, Murali Krishna Nistala, Nandan R, Prabhakar Chouti, Mallappa Sangati, Bharat Navalagi, Shankara Naika G, Sharanayya Bhandarimath, Ningraju N Sullalli, HANIMYA , Ravikanth Y K, Yashavant Thorave & Manjula D

Started on 25 Jan 2021