A summit to transform your CA Exams preparation

With power-packed sessions, this 1-day summit is a must-attend for every CA aspirant. Succeed in the country's toughest exams with this free-to-attend summit.

Apr 11 - 2021

You deserve the summit advantage

Make the most of this 1-day Unacademy Summit with visionaries, top rankers and Top Unacademy Educators who will inspire you to pursue your dreams with precision and a renewed passion.


Insightful Day


Iconic Speakers & Educators


Talks & Panels

Why CA?
1 event
One of the most coveted exams, CA is also one of the most daunting ones. But why should you aspire to crack this exam? Apart from the merits of holding a top-level government job, cracking CA also gives you an opportunity to build the country’s future and contribute towards its development.
Be a Leader!
2 events
Leadership is one of the most important traits of a CA. Let these sessions with distinguished leaders from across the globe help you prepare early for the responsibilities and challenges that are a pivotal part of a CA life.
Unacademy - A Perfect Study Partner!
4 events
An exam such as CA entrance needs a guided approach and the mentorship of experts. Hear our team of experts and Top Educators talk about the Unacademy edge for your CA entrance preparation. How you can prepare smarter, and why you should trust Unacademy to help you with your preparation.
Preparation Journey
4 events
There are no shortcuts to success. But there are strategies that can help you prepare smarter and better. Hear from the ones who made it, about how they did it. Make the most of these sessions to prepare yourself better as you chalk out your approach towards cracking CA.
Aftermath of failure!
2 events
The life of a CA aspirant is challenging, to say the least. Study materials, classes, mock tests, aside, there is also the drive to find the method behind the madness. Let these sessions help you in blocking the noise surrounding your preparation, and managing the chaos efficiently.
CA Uttam Prakash Agarwal
Former President, ICAI and Chairman, UPACA Group
CA Atul Gupta
Former President, ICAI
Naina Lal Kidwai
Chairman, Advent Private Equity India Advisory Board
Komal Jain
AIR 1- Nov 2020 (CA Final)
Kushal Lodha
AIR 5 - Nov 2019 (CA FInal)
Vaibhav Hariharan
AIR 2- Jan 2021
Arpit Agarwal
CA at the age of 22 years
CA Rucha Sarda
Influencer and motivational speaker
Hardik Mishra
Influencer and motivational speaker
CA CS Anshul Agrawal
Unacademy Educator
Rahul Malkan
Unacademy Educator
CA Mahesh Gour
Unacademy Educator
CA Vikram Biyani
Unacademy Educator
April 11
04 : 30

Why CA?

60 mins 0 sec

Opportunities for CA in Financial Sector

Atul Gupta

05 : 30

Preparation Journey

60 mins 0 sec

Going Above and Beyond

Komal Jain

06 : 00

Aftermath of Failure

60 mins 0 sec

How to clear CA Exam in 40 days if you have hardly studied?

Rucha Sarda

06 : 30

Preparation Journey

60 mins 0 sec

Topper's Talk: Dreaming Big

Kushal Lodha

07 : 30

Be a Leader

60 mins 0 sec

CA in Practice vs CA in Industry

Uttam Prakash Agarwal

09 : 30

Unacademy- A Perfect Study Partner

60 mins 0 sec

Strategy to Enhance Marks from 40 to 60

Mahesh Gour

Preparation Journey

60 mins 0 sec

How to Approach Work and Studies Simultaneously

Vaibhav Hariharan

10 : 30

Unacademy- A Perfect Study Partner

60 mins 0 sec

Coping with Failure! CA Summit April 2021

CA Anshul Agrawal

11 : 30

Aftermath of Failure

60 mins 0 sec

Defend Yourself From Failures

Hardik Mishra

Preparation Journey

60 mins 0 sec

Strategy for Passing Both Groups

Arpit Agarwal

12 : 30

Be a Leader

60 mins 0 sec

Going on Despite All Odds

Naina Lal Kidwai

13 : 30

Unacademy- A Perfect Study Partner

60 mins 0 sec

Multi-Tasking for CA - Is it required?

Vikram Biyani

14 : 30

Unacademy- A Perfect Study Partner

30 mins 0 sec

Session on Approach to CA exams

Rahul Malkan

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Take the Summit advantage

Apr 11 - 2021

take the summit advantage