87 ratings
19 reviews
In this course, the educator discusses Telangana Geography. He takes you through the various geographical regions of Telangana and it's other details.
14m 09s
11m 05s
14m 54s
12m 45s
13m 31s
10m 20s
13m 43s
14m 19s
14m 58s
19 reviews
reviewed on Jul 1, 2018
hi సర్ ఇప్పుడు ts లో జరిగే నోటిఫికేషన్ ఎక్సమ్స్ కి ts జియోగ్రఫీ 10 డిస్ట్రిక్స్ లానే చదవల లేక 31 డిస్ట్రిక్ట్ wise చదవలా ప్లీస్ కొంచం చెప్పండి
reviewed on Jul 11, 2018
hi Mahesh,thanks for the classes.Is it sufficient for vro and gr+4 exams or need to study any other sources.please suggest me.thanking you.
reviewed on Jun 19, 2018
excellent faculty please continue upload your vedios and take new classes always we are watching this vedios fully for tspsc examinations
87 ratings
Raasiq Abdullah Shaik