
7 lessons • 1h 12m

1 - The Revolt of 1857 - Political, Economical Causes, Military, Religious Discrimination (in Tamil)

11m 20s

2 - Outbreak of Revolt - Important Persons (in Tamil)

10m 23s

3 - Suppression - Causes of Failure - Fate of Leaders - Those Who Helped British (in Tamil)

11m 23s

4 - Impact of the Revolt - Who Said what About this Mutinity (in Tamil)

8m 30s

5 - Queen Victoria's Proclamation November 1, 1858 (in Tamil)

7m 46s

6 - Indigo Revolt, INC, Partition of Bengal, Swadeshi Movement, Muslim League

12m 37s

7 - Partition of Bengal, Swadeshi Movement, Muslim League

10m 01s

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