
36 lessons • 5h 30m

40 Single Revision Pages With Short Tricks : GATE CSE 2019 (in Hindi)

9m 13s

SRP 1 : Short Tricks For Conflict and View Serializability in Databases (in Hindi)

10m 25s

SRP 2 : Short Tricks For 5 Types of Schedules (in Hindi)

9m 18s

SRP 3 : Short Tricks For Equivalent Schedules (View,Conflict & Result) (in Hindi)

8m 34s

SRP 4 : Short Tricks for Normalization (1NF , 2NF, 3NF & BCNF) (in Hindi)

13m 28s

SRP 5 : Page Replacement Policies (FIFO, LRU & Optimal) (in Hindi)

8m 11s

SRP 6 : 5 GATE Questions on Tree DS With Short Tricks (in Hindi)

8m 13s

SRP 7 : Tricks Application Layer Protocols( SMTP, FTP, HTTP, IMAP, DNS, POP) (in Hindi)

15m 00s

SRP 8 : Short Tricks Memory Partioning Algorithms (Best for, Worst fit & First Fit) (in Hindi)

8m 31s

SRP 9 : SQL Tricks (Delete, Drop, Truncate, Clustered index, Where and Having Clause) (in Hindi)

8m 03s

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