Batch Schedule
Full Syllabus Batch
Batch Schedule
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Full day classes
Lesson 7 • 4:00 PM • Abhishek Kumar
Lesson 8 • 4:00 PM • Abhishek Kumar
Lesson 9 • 4:00 PM • Abhishek Kumar
Lesson 10 • 4:00 PM • Abhishek Kumar
Lesson 11 • 4:00 PM • Abhishek Kumar
Lesson 12 • 4:00 PM • Abhishek Kumar
Note - More courses will be added to each topic as the batch progresses
If you don’t like your current batch, you can unenroll from it and enrol in a new batch of your choice.
Yes, you can join a batch after it has started. We’ll provide you with all the recordings and notes of the previous classes.
Yes, you can watch recordings of the previous classes. Once you enrol in a batch, we'll add all the recordings to your planner. You can also watch them from the batch schedule page.
You can watch all the trial classes that are available in a batch.
Yes, you can enrol in any course of your choice along with a batch.
Yes, you can enrol in as many batches and courses as you want. However, we recommend that you enrol in one batch at a time.