Maharashtra Specific Topics

Indian Economy



International Relation

Indian Polity & Governance


Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude




Current Affairs

Internal Security


Ancient History

Historiography of Ancient India

Environmental Determinism


Prehistoric Age

Vedic Period

Jainism & Buddhism

Mahajanapadas Period

Maurya Age

Post-Mauryan India

Sangam Period


Gupta Empire

Medieval History

Vijayanagara and Bahmanis

Delhi Sultanate-II

Early Muslim Invasions

Delhi Sultanate-I

Mughal Empire

Maratha Empire

Bhakti & Sufi Movement

South Indian Kingdoms

Spread of Indian Culture

North Indian Kingdoms

Modern History

Rising Resentment Against Company

Reform Movements

India on Eve of British Conquest

Freedom & Partition (1939-1947)

Political Associations Before INC

Constitutional & Judicial Develo.

Challenges for New-Born Nation

World War I & India

Revolutionary Activities (1907-1917)- First Phase

Beginning of Modern Nationalism

Indian National Congress

National Movement (1905-1918)

Expansion and Consolidation

Era of Mass Nationalism Begins

Advent of the Europeans in India

Peasant Movements

The Revolt of 1857

Indian Economy under Colonial Rule

Art and Culture

Indian LIterature

Indian Architecture

Indian Paintings

Languages in India

Indian Dance Forms

Fairs and Festivals of India

Indian Handicrafts

Indian Puppetry

Indian Cinema

Schools of Philosophy

Religions in India

UNESCO World Heritage Sites

Indian Circus

Indian Theatre

Indian Music

UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heri

Post-Independence History

Vajpayee to Manmohan Singh

Consolidation of India

Nehru Era (1947 - 1964)

Rajiv Gandhi to Narasimha Rao

Indira Years (1966-77, 1980-84)

Shastri Years (June 1964-1966)

Politics in the States

World History



First World War & IR

Political Philosophies

Global Problems

Second World War

Modern World History

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