Attempt UPSC CSE - GS free mock tests & test series curated by our educators to boost your preparation.
Evaluate your exam preparation with test series for UPSC - Civil Services Examination (IAS) Preparation
Test 5 • Mar 29, 5:30 AM
Test 292 • Mar 25, 11:30 AM
Test 295 • Mar 26, 5:30 AM
Test 297 • Mar 26, 7:30 AM
Test 35 • Mar 30, 4:00 AM
Test 28 • Mar 30, 4:00 AM
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Unacademy provides students with free mock tests for UPSC to help with online exam preparation.
Yes, Unacademy provides free access to a lot of test series and online mock tests for UPSC for free. These mock test series are designed carefully by some of our top educators keeping in mind the difficulty level of the UPSC exam. Unacademy wants to democratise education and hence we provide a lot of free mock tests and free test series. Let's Crack it with Unacademy.
We provide a plethora of test series year-round to help students with online UPSC preparation. All of the free test series as well as paid are thoughtfully created by our best educators, keeping in mind the exam pattern of UPSC. All of the test series we provide are top quality and depend on what you are looking for. You can search for the best test series by your favourite educator or you can check out our achiever's batch where our most popular educators will help you with online UPSC preparation.
Yes, we provide a lot of topic-based online mock tests and full syllabus tests for UPSC. You can search in the search box for the free mock tests. You can also attempt mock tests by your favourite educators. We also provide topic-wise mock practice questions for free, so that you can sharpen your skills and work on weak points.
We provide solutions to all the online mock tests and All India test series instantly when you finish your test. You can check out all your correct and incorrect questions in the analysis along with your position among others and much more. For our paid users, we provide a better analysis for you to understand your strengths and weaknesses. To access your previously attempted test, search the name of the online mock test in the search box and click on your attempted mock test. You can reattempt the free mock test or check out the solution and mistakes in your last attempt.
You can search for the best test series in the search box provided or you can go to your favourite educator’s batches and attempt the test series available for your batch. Our live tests happen on weekends, so if you don't want to miss out on the best test series for UPSC and advanced, you can enroll yourself for the upcoming test and we will send you a notification when the mock test is starting.
Mock tests are singular tests based on the topics covered by the educators while test series are designed in a way to ensure that you can cover the entire syllabus of UPSC.